Not just squats: the 7 Pin Twins exercises for firm glutes and strong legs

Not just squats: the 7 Pin Twins exercises for firm glutes and strong legs


The personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, propose an intense routine with the exercise of squats as the protagonist, to tone legs and buttocks

Not just squats: the 7 Pin Twins exercises for firm glutes and strong legsPM1:59

They are the most sought after exercises. When summer approaches the routine searches get firm glutes y thin legs they grow like foam. In fact, as personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda assure, Gemelas Pin, this type of tables is the one that usually has a greater power of convocation when they usually do their trainings in the direct ones on Instagram, where they have about 84.000 followers.

Buttocks and legs routine

10 (each exercise)
TV Shows
1,5 ‘(between series)

That is why this week the Pin Twins propose an exercise routine at ABC Bienestar to work conscientiously both the buttocks and the legs. The table includes 7 exercises of toning (intermediate level) that must be done in a row. Each exercise should be repeated about 10 times. Once we have completed the series of 7 exercises, they propose a break of one minute and a half and then invite to repeat the circuit a total of four times.

The goal of this intense routine, as explained by personal trainers, is to define your legs and glutes. “If it is practiced daily, we will notice the results in a short time,” they say.

Exercise 1: Sumo Squats

In this type of squat, the position of the legs is different from the traditional one, since the feet must point towards the front, open diagonally. Thus, as the Pin Twins explain, when practicing this squat it is important to separate the feet to a width greater than that of the shoulders.

Exercise 2: Squats

The “squat” or squats allow you to develop muscles, strengthen the tendons and ligaments of the legs and also tone the buttocks and strengthen the hips. When practicing the exercise, the Pin twins remember that it is important to place the feet at shoulder height and maintain the width of the legs during the entire movement.

Exercise 3: close squats

To perform this type of squat, the legs are placed with the knees in front and they are kept slightly open, but at a width less than that of the shoulders.

Exercise 4: Hip or Buttock Raise

Hip lift exercises work your glutes, abdominal muscles, and hamstrings. But to be truly effective the glute must be fully “activated” and not passive. The arms and the soles of the feet are supported on the floor and the hips are raised, ensuring that the gluteus never touches the ground.

Exercise 5: Ballet Squats

In this type of squat, the separation of the legs is kept at a width greater than that of the shoulders and is lowered towards the ground at an angle of 90 degrees. But on the way up they put their feet on tiptoe.

Exercise 6: Right Lateral Lunge

The lateral lunge allows to strengthen thighs and glutes in a comprehensive way, and is an ideal exercise to complement with squats or traditional lunges. In this first part of the exercise, 10 repetitions are done to the right.

Exercise 7: Left Lateral Lunge

To perform the lateral stride, the Pin Twins remember to keep the feet forward, fully extend the leg that moves laterally and stretch the leg down. In this second part of the exercise, 10 repetitions are done to the left.

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