Not fashionable anymore: What things in the interior should be got rid of in the year of the Pig 2019

Not fashionable anymore: What things in the interior should be got rid of in the year of the Pig 2019

And what, on the contrary, will be at the height of fashion – the architects of Sergey and Veronika Kovaleva told about this.

Fashion is capricious, it changes every season. And this applies not only to clothes, hair color or manicure, but also to the home environment. Over the past 70 years, the look at the ideal interior has changed in such a way that you are simply amazed! Next year will not be an exception. 2019 will bring its own fashion to interior decor. What it will be like, what things will be in trend, and what needs to be gotten rid of, architects Sergey and Veronika Kovaleva told

To create and embody style in a house, every detail is important, including the height of the ceilings, the dimensions of the windows, the area of ​​the apartment and the location of the load-bearing walls. It is the little things that determine what the interior will be like. Textiles, vases, paintings, local lighting – all this completes the main idea. They indicate the functionality of the zones, define and emphasize the mood. These parts are easy to replace and change the concept. It’s good when such details become also color accents, bright and catchy, they enhance the style.

Let’s show some examples.

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For example, a marble panel, which has become a color accent in the mood of a spacious living room, is one of the main details of this apartment. The bright yellow-orange color is repeated in the paintings on the wall, and the texture of natural stone in the gray marble countertop. By changing these details, you can change the overall mood of the room.

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Mirrors on both sides of the upholstered sofa expand the space. And an openwork mirror, fixed on the wall, complements the whole composition. These details are not only functional, they add a special aesthetic to the room.

And here a chandelier fills the space perfectly. Illuminates, repeats the color of the walls, plays with texture. It is this detail under the ceiling and above the dining table that transforms everything around, brings airiness. If you remove it, absolutely everything will change.

What to get rid of: excessive brightness of the interior. Monochromatic walls in light colors are in trend. The variegation and play of elements should remain in some parts of the decor.

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A clear, consistent style in the interior is a rarity. Wealthy owners of several apartments can afford to adhere to a strict framework. But one modern trend of 2018, smoothly turning into 2019 or even 2020, is the trend of an environmentally friendly, human-safe interior.

We use ecological paints with silver ions, which prevent the growth of bacteria, we use expensive textile wallpapers with eco-impregnation, we choose natural floor coverings. Of course, there is a lot of wood, natural stone, including marble. Mandatory – elements of greening on an environmentally friendly basis.

Wood warms the atmosphere, stone ennobles any room, it immediately looks expensive and forever. Linen, cotton, silk – fabrics that breathe, are easy to wash, hypoallergenic – they are used everywhere. Plants naturally improve air quality. You can also emphasize this style – put an oxygen generator at home.

What to get rid of: voluminous furniture, in particular, the same sofas. Straight minimalist lines and comfortable mattresses at the base, as well as simple colors that don’t catch your eyes, are in trend.

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Laconicism in everything: in furniture, decor and finishing materials. Minimalism is considered by many to be indicative, a style for glossy magazines. But this trend is for active people. So a young mother, with one movement of her hand, frees the nursery from an abundance of toys, and household equipment is easily hidden in the walls and technical rooms. The style allows you to instantly change the mood by changing the decor and textiles present, to set a different mood. It helps to live easier and easier, and what else is needed in our fast-paced world. Ideally, minimalism is light walls, natural materials, clear zoning, simple lines.

What to get rid of: unnecessary monograms, lowered curtains or draped tulle. Tulle, by the way, is completely out of fashion.

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Gradients, ombre – modern technologies dictate their own rules and we can see how much style lovers are attracted by overflows and color changes in everything: gadgets, clothes. Trends in our environment, everyday life tend to carry over into the interior of the house. Just imagine how impressive the ombre wall will look. The color change is as soft as it is stylish, it will not let you get bored and will not get bored for a long time.

What to get rid of: sofa and armchair from one collection. Now a bright armchair that stands out from the general concept becomes a highlight of the interior of a living room or bedroom. Furniture sets are out of fashion. Now there is an opportunity to collect an interior picture from different parts of uniform furniture masterpieces. They can be of different colors, but must be matched.

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