Not everything is useful that got into the mouth: who should not eat a melon

Not everything is useful that got into the mouth: who should not eat a melon

In the comedy from “Quartet I” “Loudspeaker” one of the heroines considered the melon superfluous on the festive table. And she was right: this product is incompatible with others, and you can eat it only 4 hours after the main meal. And for some people, melon, despite all its useful properties, is completely contraindicated.

Until now, scientists cannot determine whether the melon is a vegetable, berry or fruit. Botanists attribute this sweet fruit to the pumpkin family. It turns out that the melon is the closest relative of the cucumber, but, unlike it, it has a high nutritional value and can be an independent dish. And this is with a low calorie content – 33 kcal per 100 g (“collective farm woman” variety): protein – 0,6 g, fat – 0,3 g, carbohydrates – 7,4 g. For those who are on a diet, melon remains a favorite delicacy. Although if you abuse it, then you will definitely not be able to lose weight. 

But let’s not argue about the benefits of a juicy vegetable that contains the entire spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Here is the opinion of the doctors, they advise everyone to use the melon with caution, and some of them strongly recommend blacklisting the vegetable.

Gastroenterologist and Pediatrician

“Melon is rich in fiber, so it is heavy food for the stomach and causes fermentation. Plus, this sweet vegetable is slow to digest. Eating melon on an empty stomach or right after dinner leads to heartburn, bloating, and intestinal discomfort. In no case should the melon be washed down with water, alcohol or milk, as this will further complicate the assimilation of the vegetable. “

By the way, in the XNUMXth century, the melon was sentenced to a public trial for insulting the king. During one of the meals, the English monarch Henry VI, who after the Hundred Years War still bore the title of King of France, became interested in eating melon. The consequences were not long in coming, and unpleasant: if you overdo it with a melon, it is easy to get diarrhea. What happened to the king – nothing earthly is alien to the monarchs. After treating an upset stomach, the King in Hearts signed a decree to officially curse the melon. The inhabitants of the Middle Ages carried out an insane order for a couple of years, but soon the melon reappeared on the tables of the British and French.

Who shouldn’t eat melon

Melon should be completely excluded from the diet for people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis and pancreatitis – all due to the fact that it is poorly absorbed.

Melon is also contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes.

“Melon contains simple carbohydrates: sucrose, glucose and fructose,” explains Irina Ivanova. – Naturally, such a composition increases blood sugar levels. It is especially dangerous for diabetics (and those with a predisposition to the disease) to eat melon on an empty stomach. The fact is that fructose is well absorbed by the body, and when it gets into an empty stomach, it stimulates the pancreas, which, in turn, actively produces its main hormone, insulin. Subsequently, such processes in the body can lead to the development of diabetes. “

Can lactating mothers eat melon?

“Ideally, you should wait until the baby is 6 months old. First, changes in the mother’s diet can negatively affect the health of the baby. Any new product should be introduced into the diet gradually, without fanaticism. Eat a small piece of melon and observe the baby’s condition. A sweet vegetable can cause an allergic reaction in the baby, bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting. If the child has similar symptoms, then the mother should try the melon again only after 2 months. And I also do not recommend eating melon for pregnant women, especially at a later date. The danger lies in the fact that the melon culture retains fluid in the body, and this contributes to the appearance of edema. “

By the way

The best time to eat melon is late August and early September. During this period, melons and gourds are the most ripe and tasty, but you should buy them only from trusted farmers, otherwise there is a risk of serious poisoning. Better yet, ask sellers for sanitary certificates for the product.

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