Not everything is so simple: the most non-obvious causes of stress

Sometimes it seems that we are annoyed for no reason, but is it really? Assess if there are hidden sources of stress in your life and learn how to achieve inner balance.


Stress makes itself felt in different ways: sleep is disturbed, irritability appears, and someone suddenly starts biting their nails. You can fight these symptoms and even achieve success, but it is much more effective to eliminate the causes.

Stress can be caused by personal or organizational factors. The former include, for example, spoiled relationships with loved ones or negative changes in life. The second is an irregular schedule, lack of interesting tasks at work, excessive demands from the authorities, poor time management.

However, sometimes sources of stress become part of our lives, and we no longer notice them. Here are three non-obvious reasons why emotional stability weakens daily.

Low physical activity

During movement, serotonin is produced – the hormone of joy. That is why after physical exertion we experience pleasant fatigue. In addition, sport brings up a sense of purpose, which is so important for people who have lost motivation during times of stress.

Choose an activity to your liking and start training, and good health will not take long. It is not necessary to pick up dumbbells – regular jogging or long walks in the fresh air will bring no less benefit.


The stress hormone cortisol is produced more actively if you do not drink enough clean water. The daily norm for an adult is 2-3 liters, excluding drinks and soups. Make sure your water is free of chlorination by-products and heavy metals. To do this, it is best to get a convenient filter.

By the way, water for preventive purposes can not only be taken orally: swimming and daily contrast showers reduce muscle tension, help get rid of headaches and make you sleep better.

Lack of magnesium

Unreasonable fatigue, anxiety and irritability can also be caused by magnesium deficiency. The daily requirement for magnesium is about 300 milligrams and should be even higher in stressful situations. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, strengthens the lungs and immune system, and helps brain function.

According to statistics, more than half of the world’s population is deficient in this useful trace element. The fact is that food products contain it in insufficient quantities, and the passion for fast food can completely reduce the level of magnesium to a critical level.

Recently appeared on the shelves of Russian supermarkets new BWT Magnesium Mineralizer filter with patented Mg2+ technology. Its special cartridges not only perfectly purify water from harmful impurities, but also enrich it with magnesium along the way.

A full jug holds 2,7 liters of water, and 65 milligrams of magnesium are dissolved in this volume.

Life hack: do not only drink water from a jug at home, but take it with you to workouts and to the office – so during the day you can be guaranteed to saturate your body with this useful substance.

Stress resistance is one of the most valuable qualities in the modern world, and if it is impossible to avoid nervous experiences, then it is in our power to strengthen our resistance to them.

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