The nectar is unequal to the juice …
Basic the three types of fruit drinks are juices, nectars and the drinks described. Juices fruit are characterized above all by the fact that they must be… fruit juice. They cannot contain water, sugar, sweeteners, dyes or enhancers flavor, artificial flavors or most of the additives E.
Juices fruit are additionally divided into two categories:
– juice reconstituted from concentrated fruit juice – substantial is evaporated first part of the water from the juice as its storage and transport are then easier and cheaper, only then add back as much water as removed;
– juice directly squeezed from the fruit – the closest to nature, it can be overnight or pasteurized.
Sample juices:
Nektary fruit juices are also, but already diluted with water and sweetened with: sugar, fructose syrup, glucose syrup, honey, sweetener, sugar fruit, destroctose or fructose. Depending on the fruit from which it is prepared is nectar, its juice content must be at least 25% or 50%. Are fruits from which only nectars are made at best, because juices based on them would be too acidic, like cherries, black currants, limes, cranberries, strawberries and apricots.
… And drink nectar
Beverages fruit are the worst quality product of those mentioned so far. Maybe find juice in them, which is usually not much, additionally water, sugar, as well as many additives E. The amount of juice must, however, be significant enough, to decide on the organoleptic and nutritional values of the product. Is it the main difference between fruit drinks and those with a fruit flavor they most often get the taste thanks to the aromas used.
W for fruit drinks, the juice content is not specifically stated in regulations, but the standard is considered to be around 20%. All drinks are provided flavored and sweetened, and in their case, several are used for production types of fruit (unlike the formation of nectars and juices).
Sample drinks:
Drinks and juices that I rated:
Red Orange Multifruit Drink – Costa
Under we took the magnifying glass to five well-known and popular juices and fruit drinks for the purpose look at their compositions. The first is Costa multi-fruit drink with red orange. The sugar content is only 6,4 g / 100 ml, and the juice share is only twenty%. Another problem is the presence of acesulfame K, sucralose and cyclamate in the composition sodium, as well as flavors and dyes (including cochineal – a dye obtained from dried abdomens of certain types of insects).
Red orange drink – Tymbark
Tymbark – red orange drink also has numerous disadvantages, one of them is the huge amount of sugar in the form of as much as 12 g / 100 ml! Compared to the competition, the juice content is an advantage – 29%, while only 1% of this is red orange juice, the remaining is ordinary orange juice. Unfortunately, the fact that the product is based on ordinary oranges is indicated only by a small inscription on the label in the composition section. At first glance, it would seem that we are buying an exotic drink made of less common fruit. In addition, the content of glucose-fructose syrup does not suggest choosing this product.
Apple drink – Caprio
20% juice also includes Apple Caprio drink. 3,3 g / 100 ml of sugar is a good result, which, however, has to recede in the face of the E additions in the lineup. The essential features of this drink are the presence of: aspartame, acesulfame K, cyclamate, sucralose, which makes it difficult to recommend. An additional downside of the product may be the fact that the manufacturer is trying to deceive the consumer by using a large “100%” sign next to the product’s flavor on the label. Unfortunately, “100%” does not refer to the fact that it is 100% juice, but to the fact that a glass of juice covers 100% of the vitamin C requirement.
100% apple juices:
The aforementioned Tymbark brand also offers XNUMX% fruit juices. 100% apple juice with the addition of Champion apple juice and vitamin C. is a very good quality product – 100% of the product is mixed apple juices and 70% Champion apple juice. This is a unique product from among those on our list, because it is the only one that is not made from concentrated juice, but directly by pressing fruit. It contains 10,2 g of sugar per 100 ml, but these are naturally occurring sugars in the fruit, they are by no means added externally added sweeteners. The fact that vitamin C has been added to the juice is certainly an advantage – not only is it a natural antioxidant, but also a glass of juice can fully cover the daily requirement for this ingredient.
Sok apple brand Hortex (Hortex apple 100%) is also characterized by a good composition – 100% of the product is a juice prepared from concentrated apple juice. It contains almost the same nutritional values, like Tymbark juice, with this the difference is that it does not have an additional one vitamin C.
Note: 100% is not always juice – it is often a drink!
Jak you must be very careful when deciding on a fruity drink. By labels with inscription 100%, also present on drinks, it is easy to confuse the sweetened and diluted drinks with squeezed and valuable from the dietary point of view view of fruit juices. Let the proof of this be the comparison of the two photos below – the first is the Caprio brand – the product is not a juice, and the manufacturer tries to mask it by using the inscription “100%”, adding “a daily dose of vitamin C in a glass of Caprio”, while the other manufacturer – Tymbark offers real, pressed 100% juice, just like the Hortex brand juice.