Minister Dmitry Kobylkin authoritatively stated that hundreds of thousands of dead animals cannot be considered a disaster.
The whole of Russia is horrified – in Kamchatka, hundreds of thousands of marine animals die due to water pollution with an as yet unidentified substance.
People get chemical burns, complain of dry mouth, mental blur, swelling, and so on. Greenpeace has already applied to Rosprirodnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Defense and the Prosecutor General’s Office, and in social networks, it does not call the incident a “catastrophe”.
However, in the opinion of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, there is no catastrophe. This was stated by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kobylkin.
“You asked what the scale of the catastrophe is – for us there is no scale of the catastrophe, not a single person died, not a single person was injured. I talked with the guys – eight surfers received, as they write, a burn of the cornea of the eye, but it is actually treated with drops, solutions – this is not such a severe burn, ”-
Kobylkin also said: he is sure that it is not worth talking about the technogenic nature of what happened, since no traces of oil products were found on the carcasses of dead animals.
An ecological disaster has occurred in Kamchatka
Meanwhile, experts previously found in the water the excess of the content of oil products by 3,6 times, phenols – twice.
The authorities are considering three versions of pollution: technogenic pollution, natural phenomena and seismic activity.
Photo:, Anna Strelchenko / TASS,