That’s interesting and funny — after all, not a single second of happiness, well, such happiness, which can be understood as happiness. That was happiness! .. Not a single second. Well, because when you fall in love for real, when love falls on you, like this … love fell on you — and what, is this happiness or what? What happiness is this…
And you think: “My God, what do I need, what do I want? What do I need from this woman? What specifically do I want? And it seems that you can be happy if and only if she sits nearby at a table in a small cafe, drinking coffee and sometimes looking at me. And I will keep looking at her. And maybe then I will be able to take her by the hand and say something … and more to say, and this will be — happiness.
And in order to achieve this happiness, I bring the planets into some kind of accelerated movement and even change the tilt of the earth’s axis, and political events go on in some incomprehensible sequence, and all this is because of me. And finally, finally, as a result of this work, she sits at a table opposite me, drinks coffee and sometimes looks at me, and I look at her continuously and feel that I can take her hand, and now my hand lies down into her hand, and in this second—not the next second, but right this second—all of that just isn’t enough…not enough.
I really wanted this! And this is not enough … Not a single second of happiness! And then suddenly she starts talking. And this immediately becomes a lot, and not because she says some nonsense, and not because it would be better if she kept quiet, but simply — this is already becoming a lot. Not a single moment of happiness. None.
But the planets are moving faster, the earth’s axis is tilted, and sometimes it’s not enough, sometimes it’s a lot… sometimes it’s not enough or a lot… sometimes it’s a lot… or not enough… not enough… or a lot… not a second of happiness… or not enough… not one… or a lot…