Nosemacid for bees

Instructions for use “Nozemacid”, attached to the drug, will help determine the timing of the treatment of insects from an invasive infection. It indicates in what dosage to use the remedy to treat or prevent infection. As well as the shelf life and composition of the medicine.

Nosemacid for bees

What is the danger of infection

The causative agent of nosematosis is the microscopic intracellular microsporidia Nosema apis (nosema), which parasitizes in the rectum of insects, affects the submandibular glands, ovaries, and hemolymph.

Attention! Nosema disease poses a threat only to adults (bees, drones), the uterus suffers the most from the infection.

The microorganism at the cellular level forms spores coated with a nitrogen-containing polysaccharide (chitin), due to the protection feature, it retains long-term viability outside the insect body. Together with feces, it gets on the walls of the hive, honeycombs, honey. During the cleaning of the cells, when using bee bread or honey, the spores enter the body of the bee, transform into nosema, and affect the intestinal walls.

Signs of the disease:

  • liquid stool of insects on the frames, the walls of the hive;
  • bees are lethargic, incapacitated;
  • enlargement of the abdomen, vibration of the wings;
  • falling out of the let.

The bribe of perga decreases, many bees do not return to the hive. The queen stops laying eggs. The baby is not fully fed due to the illness of the bees responsible for this function. The swarm weakens, without treatment the bees die. An infected family poses a threat to the entire apiary, the infection spreads rapidly. The harvest of honey is reduced by half, the spring death can be 70% of the swarm. Surviving insects are infected, they cannot be used to strengthen another family.

Nosemacid for bees

New generation preparation for bees “Nosemacid”

“Nosemacid” is a means of the latest generation of invasive, antibacterial nature. It is used for the prevention and treatment of nosematosis in bees and other infections.

“Nozemacid”: composition, release form

The main active substance in the composition is furazolidone, belongs to the group of nitrofurans, has an antimicrobial effect. Auxiliary components of Nosemacid:

  • nystatin;
  • oxytetracycline;
  • metronidazole;
  • vitamin C;
  • glucose.

The antibiotics that make up the drug stop the growth of colonies of pathogenic fungi, which include Nosema apis.

The pharmaceutical industry produces the product in the form of a dark yellow powder. The drug is packaged in polymer bottles, weighing 10 g. The amount of “Nozemacid” is designed for 40 applications. Used for treatment in large apiaries with massive infection of bees. Smaller volume – 5 g, packed in a foil bag for 20 doses. It is used for single foci or to prevent the spread of infection to other families.

Pharmacological properties

The drug “Nosemacid” of a wide spectrum of action. Furazolidone in the composition disrupts the respiration of microsporidia at the cellular level. It provokes inhibition of nucleic acids, in the process the protective shell of the microorganism is damaged, it releases the minimum concentration of toxins. The growth of pathogenic microflora in the rectum of the insect stops.

Antibiotics (oxytetracycline, nystatin, metronidazole) have antifungal, antibacterial action. Destroy the cellular membrane of the parasitic fungus, which leads to its death.

“Nosemacid”: instructions for use

Nosemacid for bees

The instructions for use of “Nozemacid” include a complete description of the innovative drug:

  • composition;
  • pharmachologic effect;
  • release form, packaging volume;
  • period of possible use from the date of production;
  • required dosage.

As well as recommendations for use, the optimal time of year for effective treatment and prevention of nosematosis. Special instructions for the use of Nosemacid.

Dosage, application rules

In the spring, before flying around, they give the bees a specially prepared substance (kandy) from honey and powdered sugar:

  1. 10 g of the drug is added to the mixture per 2,5 kg.
  2. Distributed by hives, 500 g per family, consisting of 10 frames.

After the flight, the treatment is repeated, instead of candy, sugar (syrup) dissolved in water is used:

  1. It is prepared in the same proportion – 2,5 g / 10 l.
  2. Top dressing is carried out twice with an interval of 5 days.
  3. The volume of syrup with the calculation of 100 ml per bee from one frame.
Attention! A sick family is relocated to another hive, the old place of residence and inventory are subjected to heat treatment.

Features of the use of “Nozemacid” in the fall

Infection in the summer is not accompanied by any symptoms, only after a certain time the fungus infects the bees. The disease progresses in winter. It is recommended to carry out prophylaxis with “Nozemacid” throughout the apiary in the fall. The drug is added to the syrup in the same dosage as in the spring. One feeding is enough.

Nosemacid for bees

Side effects, contraindications, restrictions on use

The drug has been fully tested, no contraindications have been established. If you follow the instructions for use of “Nosemacid” for bees, there are no side effects. It is not recommended to carry out the treatment of infected insects during the pumping of the bee product and 25 days before the main honey collection. Honey obtained from a sick family can still be consumed, since Nosema apis does not parasitize in the human body.

Storage rules for the drug

“Nozemacid” after opening is stored in its original packaging. At temperatures below zero, the drug loses its medicinal properties, the optimal thermal regime is from 0 to 270 C. The place should be away from food and animal feed. In a point inaccessible to children, away from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Shelf life – 3 years.


Instructions for use “Nozemacid” is designed to treat a fungal disease that causes diarrhea in bees. An innovative, effective remedy relieves nosematosis in 2 doses. It is recommended for prevention to healthy individuals.

Nosema disease of bees – effective prevention

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