
The flow of blood from the nose in medical terminology is called epistaxis. This phenomenon is considered quite common, and its causes can be very diverse. The deviation occurs in both adults and children.

Often the cause is the consequences. mechanical damage to the integrity of the nose after a blow, bruise, fall from a height. But it also happens in a person who has not been exposed to external negative influences, blood runs from the nose every day. Then the source should not only be looked for, how to stop it, but also additionally examined for diseases, with bleeding as the main symptom.

Types of symptom classifications

If the blood went during pregnancy, at night in a teenager, or any person just when blowing your nose, you should first give the victim first aid. But when the phenomenon is repeated on a regular basis in the morning and does not stop for a long time, then this is a reason to refuse treatment at home. It will be more effective to contact a therapist who will tell you what to do in such emergency situations, and also tell you what diagnostics will allow you to understand what recurring pathological signs mean.

Schematically, all bleeding with localization in the nose area are divided into two categories: anterior and posterior. Based on human physiology. Many are interested in whether it can happen that both types combine. This option takes place to be with extensive injuries.  In such cases, you need call an ambulance and provide first aid if possible.

According to medical statistics, blood often flows from the Kisselbach plexus, which classifies it as anterior. About 90% of clinical cases involve damage to the dense submucosal venous network. It hides small capillaries, arterioles, designed to provide the anterior cartilage with sufficient nutrition. If blood flows from one nostril, large drops, then, most likely, this indicates damage to the plexus.

The situation does not require complex actions. If everything is fine with clotting, then the red crusts are baked in a few minutes. A side effect may be dryness inside the nose. If the patient is diagnosed with high blood pressure, then therapy is prescribed to correct it.

Much less often, in about 10% of the total number of cases, epistaxis begins due to damage to large arterial branches, or to the middle part of the nose. At extensive trauma, pathological processes possible bleeding from the mouth, ears, eyes. Such a deviation is fixed not only in adult men, but also in rats and cats.

Sudden onset of heavy blood loss can be fatal if not treated in time. The jet enters the throat, blocking normal breathing, causing suffocation.

Another format for classifying an anomaly is the division by volume of how much blood is shed, i.e. – blood loss:

  • insignificant;
  • easy;
  • average;
  • heavy.

In the first case  suffer more often girls or older people who lose a few milliliters of blood. This very often happens with a cold, when you blow your nose, when you sneeze. After a couple of minutes, only a dried red crust reminds of an unpleasant incident.

This is explained by the fact that at elevated temperatures it increases the permeability of blood vessels, and also increases their fragility. Under the influence of pressure in the form of blowing your nose or sneezing capillaries burst, rupture, which is accompanied by the release of blood from the places of damage.

Possible consequences- the patient may be haunted by a characteristic “iron” smell or taste, sometimes there is a panic that covers little girls or impressionable young women due to an unexpected onset of an attack.

When the liquid leaves in clots, but the total volume is not more than 700 milliliters, and the patient complains of a sharp deterioration in well-being, then these are signs of mild severity. In total, a person at this stage will not lose more than 12% of the total body fluid.  This is possible, for example, with sinusitis, during flushing sinuses. At the same time, pus comes out. 

This is possible even in infants, cats, in the early stages of pregnancy in women.

The average degree includes blood loss up to almost one and a half liters. Only knowing which doctor to contact will help here, because even after half an hour it does not get better. Here it will be necessary to cover the losses until the doctor arrives at the scene.

Signs of moderate bleeding:

  • thirst;
  • dyspnea;
  • noise in ears;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • flies before the eyes;
  • rapid pulse.

Severe epistaxis involves a loss of more than 20% torovi from its total volume. Such a flow cannot be blocked on its own, so the stop must be carried out by specialists.

Massive blood loss has a bad effect on the level of blood pressure, which is why the victim is faced with hemorrhagic shock. It becomes inhibited, there is a violation of consciousness, an acute deficiency in the supply of nutrients to the internal organs, which within a few minutes causes fainting.

This variant can happen both in a boy who hit, and in an adult. If nothing is done, then death is inevitable. Difficulties are added by the fact that the victim is tormented by a cough, a dark thick liquid does not dry, pouring into the throat.

Provocateurs of nosebleeds

Most of the inhabitants from time to time encounter this symptom. This happens with SARS, blowing your nose with strong pressure, after hitting your face. Sources of bleeding are divided into 2 groups:

  • systemic.

Local factors include injury, which often happens to those who drink alcohol in exorbitant amounts. During intoxication, a person is less oriented in space, which leads to falls.

The same outcome awaits those who have unsuccessfully removed nasal crusts. Sometimes, when calculating from the inside of the cavity, just a yellow ichor is released. This also indicates that there was a trauma to the mucous membrane. The local category includes the difference in barometric pressure, which is typical for people with unusual professions like pilots or climbers. Additionally, people with dangerous professions pass a special analysis on blood clotting.

Among other aspects of this kind, occurring even in the third trimester of pregnancy, there are:

  • plethora of the mucosa, which happens from drops;
  • inhalation of narcotic substances, which additionally negatively affect the heart, liver;
  • congenital pathologies such as a deviated nasal septum, which guarantees bleeding at least several times a year;
  • malignant, benign neoplasms of an oncological nature.

With cancer, options are possible when black blood just drips a little from the nose, which even the number one folk remedy, hydrogen peroxide, will not stop. It also happens that a person is first disturbed by nausea, a feeling of a clogged nose, and profuse blood loss. Ordinary vasoconstrictor drugs will not help here. You will have to undergo a detailed diagnosis in order for the doctor to prescribe treatment.

Among other causes of an atypical nature, there are inhalation of cold air, sunstroke, which also makes you sick, surgery, and incorrect installation of an oxygen catheter.

But if a kitten, rat, rabbit, calf, and other animals are dominated by just local factors, then most people are still victims of systemic aspects. They apply to all ages. Norm indicators, clotting and vascular tone rejected due to:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • allergies;
  • vascular lesions, which are outwardly expressed in the fact that bruises do not go away for a long time;
  • blood diseases that become deadly even if a person just picks at the mucous membrane;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • beriberi;
  • heart disease, against the background of which hemoglobin falls.

A large percentage of clinical cases falls on nosebleeds, provoked by:

  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • hemophilia;
  • hemorrhagictheir states;
  • kidney disease;
  • heavy physical exertion;
  • infectious diseases like HIV;
  • hormonal disruptions.

Doctors note that sometimes problems are closely related to psychosomatics, when a girl begins to get nervous before menstruation. There are also patients who complain that they ooze ichor from the nasal sinuses only in the spring. But this does not mean that it is dangerous for them to go outside at this time of the year. Most likely, a little blood is released due to the classic spring beriberi, the situation is aggravated those who washes out nose due to pollen allergy.

Some people complain that they have brown blood after drinking coffee. This phenomenon evokes thoughts about oncology. In fact, most often the reason lies in a sharp increase pressure, because caffeine has hypertensive effect.

Measures of first aid

When it comes to a small loss of blood, you can get by with first aid at home.

The most important thing is to never follow the popular advice that you need to throw your head back. When tilted, it will open the airways, into which secretions can enter. This will only worsen the overall clinical picture. Instead, you need to lay the person on the bed, slightly raising the head end of the bed, turn his head to one side.

If there was no concussion, and the losses are minimal, then it is enough:

  • provide fresh air;
  • apply cold to the bridge of the nose.

If the incident occurred in winter, then you can take advantage of the snow by folding it into a bag and attaching it to the bridge of your nose. You can keep a cold compress for no more than ten minutes. Blowing your nose is prohibited, as is swallowing blood. When the characteristic taste persists, the accumulation of saliva, mucus with bloody clots is spit out.

In the same way, it is worth acting if the catalyst for the deterioration of well-being was heat, a weak blow, SARS. When blood is secreted after training a weightlifter, then the powerlifter must adhere to the standard the above algorithm.

But if the flow is observed for more than half an hour, that more drastic measures need to be taken swab from sterile cotton wool, soak it in hydrogen peroxide 3%.

With a runny nose in a three-year-old baby, it is recommended not to soak the turunda in peroxide, but to lubricate it with petroleum jelly. Such a measure is aimed at softening the parched mucosa that one has to deal with during an illness.

In case of sunstroke, on the beach, a person is transferred to a cool place, laying a wet cold cloth on his face. Ice is applied to the bridge of the nose so that the hot skin cools down quickly.

Also you need to act if the problem arose, when against the background of crying, quitting smoking.

But if you feel dizzy, purulent discharges are observed, the blood does not stop, pink blood is constantly gushing, fatigue is undermined, then you should not delay visiting a doctor.

Assistance in a hospital setting

Pet owners always take their pets to the vet when they are bleeding, but often ignore their own problems.

In order not to reach the point when the back of the head is literally about to fall apart, and the temples are splitting, you need to see a doctor in time. Those who additionally complain of diarrhea, otitis media, and cirrhosis are at particular risk. Sometimes uncontrolled blood flow is a side effect of the strain of childbirth. Regardless of what served as the primary source, you need to see a specialist. He will prescribe diagnostics after first aid in a hospital setting. Tests include platelet testing, other specific tests.

On the spot, the victim will be tamponade. This is the name of the introduction of tampons, previously prescribed by hemostatic agents, directly into the nasal cavity. In the absence of significant progress, cauterization of bleeding vessels is possible. An acid-based liquid can help with this.

In some clinics, it is preferable to influence the walls of the affected vessels with ultrasonic disintegration, laser therapy instruments, liquid nitrogen, and electrocoagulation.

For recurring attacks, surgery is recommended to tie off large vessels. During the operation, the surgeon will also work on the detachment of the periosteum, which provokes vascular desolation.

It’s one thing when a child or an adult manages to break his nose. It requires local treatment, because the situation is unlikely to be repeated every day. But when unpleasant symptoms make themselves felt too often, then you need to seek advice from pediatrician or therapist.

Otherwise, the feeling of discomfort, accompanied by a metallic taste, will quickly become the cause of a general breakdown. The systematic repetition of the clinical picture is a signal of the body that has a problem. The task of the victim is to find the source of the pathology at its early stage.

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