Nose massage for adults
Adults who have nasal congestion or difficulty breathing can benefit from nasal massage. But how effective is such a procedure at home, how to evaluate the benefits and harms to the human body

Nasal congestion, especially at night, brings discomfort. The cause may be a cold, an allergy, or a reaction to an excessive intake of medication for a runny nose. Whatever the cause of congestion, it is important to address the problem in a timely manner. But often the drops do not help, and it is easier to apply physiotherapy methods, including massage for nasal congestion. Simple tricks can help improve breathing, relieve congestion, and boost your immune system.

The method of acupressure is usually used, which helps to eliminate congestion and runny nose. Due to pressure in certain areas of the face and nose, the patient quickly feels an improvement in his condition, easier breathing and a decrease in the severity of discharge, elimination of unpleasant heaviness in the head. By the way, frequent rubbing of the nose, which we unconsciously carry out with a cold, is a similar light massage that can also help in improving breathing.

Nasal massage can help with various forms of rhinitis – infectious, allergic, vasomotor and post-medication. Due to the massage, you can cope with secretions, swelling of the mucous membranes, shortness of breath and sleep disturbance. This is especially important for those who are tightly hooked on vasoconstrictor drops and feel the withdrawal syndrome. Due to simple manipulations, you can normalize breathing through your nose and eliminate a runny nose quickly and easily. In addition, this procedure to a certain extent stimulates the immune defense of the mucous membranes, allowing you to protect yourself from the effects of viruses and bacteria. This massage is effective in many ENT pathologies.

Benefits of nasal massage for adults

If massage is carried out according to all the rules, it can significantly improve the physical condition of a person suffering from a runny nose. The runny nose gradually disappears, nasal breathing is significantly facilitated, night sleep is normalized. In addition, you can carry out a nose massage on your own, at home, without the involvement of specialists or outsiders. If you act on the right areas, to carry out the impact at the right points, you can quickly alleviate.

Nose massage, even if it is done at home and on your own, has a number of significant positive points:

  • no special equipment is required, can be carried out anywhere, both at home and at the workplace, on trips;
  • conducting such a massage saves money that could be spent on drops or sprays from the common cold, to which addiction also develops – no such side effects have been noted for massage;
  • the list of contraindications is minimal, there is no age limit, it can be used for both young and elderly patients;
  • well-being improves quite quickly and noticeably, you don’t have to wait long for the procedure to work, there are no cumulative effects, you don’t need long courses and waiting, as it becomes easier, the massage can be stopped.

Massage has the greatest effect if you lie down and relax after it.

Harm of nose massage for adults

Massage will be most effective if it is carried out at certain acupuncture points. But if you make a mistake, it won’t hurt. If there is a tendency to allergies, harm is possible when using various balms, including even the famous Asterisk, but this is all about allergies, not the massage itself.

Nose massage contraindications for adults

Even the safest procedures can have a list of contraindications. The list of contraindications for nose massage includes:

  • any oncological diseases – due to massage, blood circulation and metabolism increase, which can encourage cancer cells to spread;
  • the presence of moles on the nose and around it, in places of reflexogenic points;
  • varicose-dilated vessels in the area of ​​reflexogenic zones, spider veins;
  • pustular rashes in the affected area – during massage, the spread of infection and worsening of the inflammatory process, complications are possible; boils and purulent acne are especially dangerous;
  • you can not massage with heart problems, after a heart attack and in the presence of serious heart failure;
  • clotting problems and blood diseases, frequent nosebleeds – another reason to refuse massage;
  • fever, including colds, is a temporary ban on massage; as the temperature normalizes, it will be possible to carry out procedures.

How to do a nose massage for adults at home

In order for the massage to be effective, you need to know which points to massage with a cold. This is important for the massage to be as effective as possible. So these are the points:

  • at the base of the nose – you need to act symmetrically in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe bridge of the nose on the left and right sides;
  • on the temples – you need to feel the hollows on both sides with your fingers, which are located next to the eyebrows; it is important to carry out massage movements on both sides at the same time;
  • the area between the nose and the upper lip in the middle of the supralabial cavity;
  • the point between the eyebrows, located on the line where the lines of the eyebrows and bridge of the nose intersect;
  • nose tip area.

These points need to be massaged in a special way, following a number of simple rules, so that they have the maximum effect. Do not use nails for massage, only fingertips, after washing your hands and warming your palms.

During massage, smooth effects and synchronism of movements are important; movements cannot be interrupted by performing them alternately with soft pressure. When massaging, use the index and thumb.

Each zone is massaged for about 2-3 minutes, to enhance the effect, you can apply healing balms (for example, Asterisk) and after the session you need to drink warm tea.

Popular questions and answers

We asked you to answer popular questions about nose massage professional massage therapist with 14 years of experience Alexander Kholmogorov.

How often do adults need a nose massage?

As needed if you have a runny nose, breathing problems or certain cosmetic problems need to be addressed.

What problems can nasal massage solve?

In general, if you move along the massage lines from the tip of the nose to the forehead, it smoothes the skin very well, removes stagnation of fluid in the tissues, and swelling.

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