Going to other lands from our usual life, we dream of finding what we lack in it. The holiday south, traditional for the inhabitants of our climate, is the sun, the beach, and hot languor. And what attracts those of us who choose the north? Emotions, sensations and observations of people who discovered this route.
In our vacation plans, this country has been arguing with traditional «beach» destinations relatively recently. “Until the early 1990s, as a rule, only official delegations crossed the Norwegian-Russian border,” says Oyvind Nordsletten, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Norway to the Russian Federation. “Today, more than a hundred thousand people pass through it every year.” And those who have already managed to visit Norway, fall in love with it and return to this country year after year, are convinced that they have discovered a very special medicine for body and soul. What are its properties?
Four forces
“I look forward to the moment when the doors of the plane will open and I will breathe in the first breath of this air,” admits 32-year-old Marina. — It is almost palpable, satiates like food. And you instantly fall into a different state — there is practically no period of transition, adaptation. Where else to leave the metropolis for a person tortured by business and stress? These landscapes have a powerful aura that absorbs you and quickly takes you somewhere. And you forget that in Moscow it vibrated like a string.
“There is no need to specifically look for, create thrills for yourself,” says 53-year-old Igor. — I come for these contrasts: in the mountains of many meters of snow, below — blooming lilacs and rhododendrons. Rocks, sea, air, light — all these elements seem to be concentrated here, unconditional and at the same time full of movement, continuously penetrating each other and yourself. Here, space becomes a state of mind—what is called a place of power. I just want to be filled with it, absorb it with all the senses. And you understand: it is so much more powerful than you that if you become a part of this system, if you breathe and live in its rhythm at least for a while, it seems to straighten you from the inside, tunes you like a tuning fork. On the other hand, her power seems to keep you at a distance, and there is nothing left but to grow internally, to expand yourself in order to become on a par with her.
The Fifth Element
“The wonderful Norwegian complexion is sea fish with omega-3s plus peace of mind,” jokes 30-year-old Elena. — I work a lot with Norwegians: communication with them inspires confidence, calmness emanates from them, they look simply at difficult, critical situations. It’s worth learning.» “Last year, I ended up in Oslo on May 14, when the country celebrates Independence Day,” says culturologist Olga Weinstein. — And I was not at all ready for the fact that the whole city would be in national costumes — quite naturally, without a hint of a masquerade or some expected formality. Norwegians are sincere and perceive joy as an organic part of everyday life. This atmosphere of fun and respect for oneself and traditions is contagious. Not for a second did I have the feeling: I am alone at someone else’s holiday.
We thank the Tourism Board of Norway Innovation Norway for their help in preparing the material.