Norwegian drink Aquavit vodka: what is it, types, how to drink + recipe at home

Aquavit is a popular alcoholic drink in the Scandinavian countries, which is made by distilling alcohol from potatoes and less often from grain, and then infused with spices and spices. Its fortress has a real northern character and varies from 40 to 50 degrees.

drink legend

Translated from the Latin “aqua vitae” means “living water” or “water of life”. This is not surprising because before this drink was used exclusively for medicinal purposes. It was used to improve appetite and immunity, for colds and, oddly enough, as a remedy for alcoholism.

According to some sources, aquavit began to be prepared as early as the XNUMXth century on the territory of modern Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

But still, the first mention of the name itself was recorded in written sources in 1531 and was accompanied by the inscription: “Helps from all diseases … inside and out.”

Aquavit drink production technology

The drink is traditionally produced in four successive stages, but the exact proportions of each manufacturer, of course, are kept in the strictest confidence.

  1. The first stage is the production of mash.

  2. The second stage is distillation. The resulting mash is distilled twice in a distiller. And the result is alcohol with a strength of 60-80 degrees.

  3. The third stage is maceration. Potato alcohol in the required proportion is diluted with water and medicinal herbs and spicy spices are added to it.

  4. The fourth stage is exposure. Aquavit is aged in oak or cherry barrels. The intensity of the color of the drink depends on the exposure time.

The most expensive varieties of aqua vita must pass the fifth stage, which is a sea voyage. The drink is poured into barrels, and then loaded onto the ship. And the main condition for such a cruise is the double crossing of the equator.

Varieties of aquavita

  1. norwegian aquavit

    It is, in fact, potato moonshine, usually amber in color, which is set off by cumin.

  2. Danish aquavit

    Transparent drink, has the taste and aroma of caraway seeds. In Denmark, you can increasingly find pure aquavit, which is almost odorless and can be infused with any spices according to personal preference.

  3. Swedish Aquavit

    Very similar to a Danish drink. The difference is only in some roots, herbs and spices that are used in the process of its production.

Aquavit recipe at home


  1. Diluted food alcohol (40%) or vodka – 750 ml

  2. Cumin – 2 h. l.

  3. Fennel seeds – 2 tsp

  4. Chopped cardamom – 2 boxes

  5. Cloves – 2 buds

  6. Anise – 2 hours. l.

  7. Cinnamon stick – 1 pc.

  8. Dried peel of one lemon

  9. Dried peel of one orange

  10. Granulated sugar – 1,5 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation

  1. First of all, we need to fry all the spices in a dry frying pan, including citrus zest, for 3 minutes.

  2. Pour the contents of the pan into a 1 liter glass container, add granulated sugar and pour in the alcohol component. After thorough shaking, let the drink brew for about two weeks in a dark place. Be sure to shake the contents of the container at least twice a day.

  3. After 14 days, we take a sample, if the drink has become saturated and fragrant, then it can be filtered and then filtered through a purchased or home-made filter.

  4. Then we pour the aquavit into glass bottles.

  5. The finished drink must be cooled before tasting.

  6. If you have an oak barrel, then it is best to store ready-made Norwegian vodka in it.

How to drink aquavit

Aquavit, like other drinks, has its own specific drinking ritual. Unlike long Japanese or Chinese ceremonies, this drink is much simpler:

  1. Scandinavian vodka should be served frozen to -18 degrees or well chilled.

  2. They drink it from ordinary glasses, in one gulp. Special connoisseurs of this drink prefer to drink it with beer.

  3. As an appetizer, you can serve: seafood, pickles, cheese platter or fatty meat dishes.

Scandinavians do not abuse their traditional drink and pour it to each other only on holidays – on Christmas and Independence Day.

Relevance: 11.02.2018

Tags: vodka, mash, moonshine

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