Norms of illumination of residential, office workplaces, warehouse, industrial premises, table

Today we will consider the topic of lighting pulsation and the normalized illumination parameter.

How to measure the ripple factor?

Experiments have confirmed that light inevitably affects our well-being. Poor lighting in the workplace is a common cause of health problems, reduced concentration, mental breakdowns, and a drop in performance.

Excessively bright light, on the contrary, is an irritant and can cause stress.

The best solution is to provide the right lighting that guarantees optimal performance.

Normal levels of illumination are clearly regulated for each type of premises. For these parameters, there are rules and regulations that you need to know about.

At the same time, the sanitary-epidemiological service takes over the control function.

Illumination of premises: how is it measured?

The nominal illumination of the room in numerical terms is the luminous flux that falls on the plane at an angle of 90 degrees per unit area.

If the light falls at an acute angle, then the illumination parameter will change.

The resulting figure will decrease in direct proportion to the angle mentioned above.

The unit of measure for the level of illumination is lux. In this case, one lux is equal to one unit of light flux (lumen) per square meter.

If we consider the physical unit system, then the unit of measurement of illumination is photos. In this case, 1 phot = 10 lux.

The illumination parameter will change in proportion to the strength of the light emanating from the source itself. The farther away the illuminated object is, the lower its illumination.

For example, in the USA and England, the unit of illumination is different. It is customary to use the “foot-candle”. This parameter indicates that the intensity of light, which is equal to one candela, illuminates an object at a distance of one foot from the light source.

In theory, several more types of units of measurement are used, but, as a rule, they are outdated, not recognized by the international system, or are ordinary derivatives of the main parameter (lux).

See also:

Room illumination measurement: basic methods and instruments

To determine the level of illumination, you can use one of the following devices – a flash meter, exposure meter and light meter, lux meter or photometer.

The main device from this group, capable of issuing a parameter of real illumination (natural or artificial) is a luxmeter.

They are analog and electronic. Analog devices are no longer produced, only rarities remain.

It can be used to solve the following problems:

  • measuring the level of illumination during certification (checking) of workplaces;
  • taking light indicators and comparing them with the calculated parameters when performing work on the installation of lighting elements;
  • control of compliance of the level of illumination in certain premises with current standards;
  • analysis of illumination parameters for compliance with the calculated parameters during the installation of lighting elements.

The light meter itself works on a simple principle. A photocell is built into the device. When a light flux is directed at it, a powerful stream of electrons is released inside the semiconductor element.

The result is the appearance of an electric current. The value of the latter is proportional to the strength of the light that illuminates the photocell of the device.

As a rule, it is this parameter that is reflected on the instrument scale.

Depending on the type of fixation of the controlling element (sensor), the light meter can be of two types:

  • rigid fixation of the sensor (performed in the form of a one-piece device, monoblock);
  • with a remote type sensor, which is connected using a flexible cable.

To carry out simple measurements, the simplest device is sufficient – a light meter in the form of a monoblock, without additional options.

If more parameters need to be refined during professional research, then it is better to use more complex devices – with the option of calculating the average parameter and built-in memory.

A big plus is the use of special light filters in the luxmeter. With their help, you can more accurately calculate the luminous intensity parameter coming from lighting fixtures with different shades of color.

In addition, devices with a remote sensor show greater measurement accuracy, because they are less affected by external factors.

In turn, the presence of an LCD display on modern models greatly simplifies the process of taking readings from the device.

Instruments such as exposure meters and exposure meters are used in photography.

Their task is to fix the parameters of exposure illumination and brightness. Knowing the value of these indicators, the photographer can achieve the ideal photo quality.

In turn, exposure meters are available in two types. They are external and internal.

The task of the flashmeter is to measure the level of illumination in the process of photographing. Pulse-type lighting devices are used as auxiliary elements.

In new cameras, a flash meter is already built in. Its task is to regulate the power of the flash depending on the level of lighting.

See also:

In professional studios, as a rule, remote-type flash meters are used. Their feature is the presence of an accurate indication system capable of recording not only incident, but also reflected light rays.

A multimeter (photometer) is a progressive and more modern type of flashmeter. Its plus is the ability to combine the functions of the device we mentioned and the exposure meter.

Illumination ripple coefficient: essence and norms

It’s no secret that all lighting fixtures emit an uneven light flux that has a different number of oscillations. This effect is hidden from view, but its effect on human health is very significant.

At the same time, the danger of light lies precisely in the fact that it cannot be recognized, but the result of the action can be a sleep disorder, weakness, depression, heart failure, discomfort, and so on.

The pulsation coefficient of lighting is a parameter that reflects the strength of the change in the luminous flux directed per unit surface in a certain time period.

The coefficient is calculated according to a simple formula – the maximum illumination parameter in a certain period of time “minus” the minimum indicator for the same period of time.

The resulting number must be divided by the average illumination parameter and multiplied by 100%.

It is worth considering that the existing sanitary rules set an upper limit on the pulsation coefficient parameter.

In the place where the workplace is organized, it should not be higher than 20%. At the same time, the more responsible the type of activity of the employee, the lower this parameter should be.

So, for office premises and administrative buildings, where intense visual work is implied, the ripple coefficient should not be more than 5%.

At the same time, the light flux from pulsations up to 300 Hz is taken into account, because a higher frequency parameter is simply not perceived by the human body and cannot have any effect on it.

Ripple coefficient: measurement features

To determine the frequency of the pulsation of lighting, you can use a simple and effective device – a meter for illumination, pulsation and brightness.

Its functionality allows you to define:

  • the level of brightness of monitors and artificial lighting devices;
  • the level of illumination of the room;
  • pulsation of illumination of all types of monitors;
  • ripples of light waves that appear when different lamps flicker.

The principle of operation of the main group of devices (heart rate meter, brightness meter and luxmeter) is to control the level of light by means of a photo sensor, after which the signal is converted and the result can be seen on the LCD display.

Luxmeter-Pulsemeter-Luminance meter Ecolight-02.

To determine the ripple coefficient, you can go in two ways – conduct an independent analysis or use a computer program.

The most popular devices for calculating pulsations are Ecolight – 01 (02) and Lupine. If you need to analyze data on a computer, then you can use special software – Ecolight-AP.

The main difference between devices for measuring pulsations is the quality of photocells, the type of power sources (batteries) and the level of sensitivity.

LED lamps have the maximum ripple coefficient (sometimes this parameter can reach 100%). Incandescent and fluorescent lamps have lower ripple.

For example, the former have a ripple coefficient of no more than 25%. At the same time, the quality and price of the light source are not important, because even expensive lamps can have a high ripple factor.

Illumination standards

Today, for each type of room, its own standard of illumination is set, as well as the maximum allowable ripple coefficients.

For example, for a trading floor in a grocery store, the maximum ripple coefficient parameter is 15%, and the illumination level is 300 lux, for the department of building materials, sporting goods and sanitary ware – 10% and 200 lux, for the department of dishes, toys and clothing store – 20% and 200 lux, for fitting rooms – 20% and 300 lux, and so on.

Accordingly, there are own lighting standards for kindergartens, residential premises, medical institutions, car washes, and so on.

Further, all lighting standards are displayed in tables.

Read on the topic: How to find out the level of illumination in the premises.

How to reduce lighting pulsation?

In recent years, more and more importance has been given to the control of pulsation from light sources.

When these parameters are overestimated, all measures are taken to normalize (reduce) them.

This is done using one of the following methods:

  1. Using lighting devices powered by alternating current (frequency must be greater than 400 Hz).
  2. Installation of a compensating control gear in the luminaire, as well as connecting lamps with shifts. The first lamp is characterized by a lagging current, and the second – leading.
  3. Installation of simple fixtures on different phases (a three-phase network is required).
  4. The use of lamps with electronic ballasts.

The choice of one of the options, with which you can achieve the optimal parameter of the ripple coefficient, depends on the implementation conditions for each of the specific cases.

See also:

There are rooms where luminaires are connected to only one of the phases, which makes installation to different phases a very difficult task.

The most convenient way is to buy special lamps with electronic ballasts. Their advantage is compliance with all sanitary standards. In this case, it is possible to separately mount electronic ballasts in ready-made devices.

Pulsation coefficient and illumination norms: main documents

The main document that spells out all the requirements for pulsation coefficients and illumination standards is the Code of Rules for the Joint Venture (issued under the number 52.13330.2011).

It was released in 2011 and is SNIP 23-05-95, which spells out the key requirements of the laws of the country in relation to international regulations, energy efficiency and safety.

The Code of Practice contains the most important requirements for the coefficient of pulsation and illumination in various types of premises – residential, industrial and public.

The control of illumination and the level of pulsations of artificial lighting is necessary not only for the formal certification of the workplace or for a scheduled inspection by the sanitary and epidemiological station.

This is important for human health, because a deviation from the current indicators can lead to disturbances in the well-being of all employees who are in the room.

As a result, efficiency will decrease, the profitability of the company will decrease and profit will fall.

The light in living quarters has no less effect. The same pulsation is not visible to the eye, but can gradually affect the health of people.

That is why a responsible approach to the choice of computer equipment and lighting devices is so important.

Compliance is a chance to avoid negative consequences, protect your employees and yourself personally. Also, the use of track lights will allow you to adjust the level of illumination in certain areas of the premises.

Also read how to make lighting in the country with your own hands.

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