Hormones are chemicals used by different parts of our body to exchange information. Special endocrine glands and individual cells located in various places – for example, on the walls of the stomach or (horror!), In the subcutaneous fatty tissue, secrete hormones into the blood, and other organs and tissues capture the information transmitted in this way.
Norms of hormones in women
It just so happens that women are considered more hormone dependent than men. This is nonsense from the point of view of biology, but such an opinion has appeared for two objective reasons. Firstly, the monthly cycle regulated by hormones (fluctuations in mood and well-being of men are not so predictable). Secondly, it often depends on the state of the endocrine system whether a woman will be able to get pregnant and give birth to a child, and this is considered by many as the main female function.
The main female hormones (although they are produced in small quantities in the male body) are estrogens and progesterone.
Estrogens – a group of hormones that are constantly produced by the ovaries from the beginning of puberty until the onset of menopause. In different phases of the menstrual cycle, the amount of estrogen is different. They regulate the menstrual cycle, and in addition, they protect blood vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls, regulate water-salt metabolism, increase skin elasticity, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands (which is why a sign of a healthy woman in her prime is radiant, moist skin).
These hormones are also responsible for the strength of bones: they stimulate the formation of new bone tissue, retaining the necessary substances in it – calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, in menopause, when the level of estrogen in the body decreases, women often have fractures or the development of osteoporosis.
Progestins (progesterone) in the female body, they perform many functions – from the formation of mammary glands in girls to ensuring the possibility of the onset and maintenance of pregnancy. Soreness of menstruation and many manifestations of premenstrual syndrome are associated with progestin deficiency.
These hormones are closely interconnected with each other as well as with other hormones. To understand this requires special education. That is why only doctors can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe hormonal drugs, and self-medication, even with herbs, is extremely dangerous. You won’t knock on your great-grandmother’s mechanical watch if it starts to junk? And the endocrine system is even more complex and thinner than an antique clockwork.
See your doctor if:
- You notice frequent mood swings and irritability.
- Sleep problems during the premenstrual and menstrual periods.
These signs may indicate an imbalance in the balance of estrogen and progestins. A qualified gynecologist or endocrinologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist will help you to normalize your condition and prevent possible health problems.
If the balance is out of order:
Diseases of the endocrine system develop due to either insufficient or excessive production of hormones.
Hormones are the connecting link between various body systems, therefore, disruptions in the endocrine system can affect several organs and systems at the same time. Remember that with timely access to an endocrinologist, treatment will be most effective. You can highlight some specific problems, in the event of which you need to immediately contact a specialist.
a. Reproduction problems
Almost all hormones produced in the endocrine organs affect sexual function. Hormone-active tumors of the pituitary gland, pathology of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, various inflammatory diseases of the endocrine system, etc. can lead to infertility. For the timely detection of these serious diseases, all patients suffering from reproductive disorders (infertility, miscarriage) must must be examined by an endocrinologist.
Menstrual irregularities can also be associated with functional disorders of the endocrine glands. These disorders respond well to treatment if detected early.
Many women seeking help for menstrual irregularities suffer from what is known as polycystic ovary syndrome. The main symptoms of the syndrome are increased hair growth on the face, abdomen, chest, and the appearance of acne. Treatment is carried out jointly by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. With this disease, the ovarian capsule is compacted, the process of the formation of female sex hormones is disrupted. The cause of these disorders can be both an enzymatic defect in the ovaries or adrenal glands, and dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. As a result, the content of male sex hormones in a woman’s body increases, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and, as a result, infertility.
b. Weight fluctuations
Both obesity and unreasonable weight loss can be the result of severe endocrine diseases (diffuse toxic goiter, adrenal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus). Even in the absence of serious diseases, with a pronounced deficit of body weight, a deficiency of sex hormones may occur, since a certain proportion of female sex hormones are produced in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Well, an excess of adipose tissue (excess! A certain amount of fat in the body is normal!) Is not only a problem aesthetic. The more adipose tissue, the lower the amount of estrogen and their activity. Therefore, with obesity, violations of the reproductive function of a woman are also detected, the number of ovulations decreases, endometrial changes occur (with the risk of developing cancer of the endometrium, ovaries, mammary glands, spontaneous abortion, complicated by the course of pregnancy and childbirth).
That is why the main stage in the treatment of reproductive disorders for obese women is to reduce body weight, while the hormonal profile of obese women changes, the menstrual cycle is restored in 80%, the frequency of pregnancies increases by about 29%.
SM-Clinic has developed special programs for the treatment of menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility in obese women.
c. Diabetes
One of the very complex and serious diseases of the endocrine system is diabetes mellitus. In women who have it
d. Endocrine disorders of the climacteric period
Menopause (cessation of menstruation) is just one of a number of anatomical, physiological, and psychological changes associated with menopause. This transition usually takes a decade (45-55 years). The climacteric period is accompanied by many subjective and objective symptoms and metabolic changes, the main reason for which is a significant decrease in estrogen levels. The climacteric syndrome is usually accompanied by “hot flashes” (exhausting women), bad mood and well-being, increased blood pressure, etc. When menopause occurs, it is necessary to see a gynecologist every six months. A specialist can help reduce all the anxiety associated with physiological changes in the body.
Where to find a specialist?
You can consult the following addresses:
m. “Voykovskaya” st. Cosmonaut Volkov, 9 / 2225-34-00, 225-50-80
m. “Belorusskaya” st. Lesnaya, 57, p. 1648-60-52, 8-499-973-13-30
m. “Voykovskaya” st. Clara Zetkin, 33 / 28518-94-74, 777-48-49