Normal life after the holidays
The global task of normalizing one’s own life is divided into several specific ones: to unload the body, remove excess, replenish what was lost, enter the correct rhythm of nutrition, get used to the alarm clock again, prevent the blues and return to the work process in a cheerful mood. The tasks are clear. But how to solve them, StarHit asked the director of the Research Institute of Naturotherapy Sergey Arsenin.
Unloading the body and regime
Unloading the bodyFor a while, exclude fatty foods from the diet, especially of animal origin – meat, mayonnaise, sausage, ham, egg yolk, fatty sour cream and cheese. Replace sweets, pastries with honey and dried fruits. It is important that the food you eat during this period allows you to unload the body, while preventing you from feeling hungry. These are low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, cereals, especially buckwheat. They contain fiber, which acts as a washcloth for the intestines. It gently cleanses the body from the effects of gluttony and removes the excess from the body.
We fight hunger
From a plentiful meal, the stomach stretches and requires more and more. That is why, after a week of plentiful feasts, many are constantly haunted by a feeling of hunger. To prevent the stomach from sending impulses to the brain demanding food, it must be returned to its normal size. Fold your palms in handfuls – this is the volume of your stomach. Eat no more food at a time than would fit in your palms. Divide the daily ration into 6-8 or even 10 parts. And everything that you would eat, for example, at lunch – the first, second, third – absorb at different hours. Take a wide leather belt and tighten it over your stomach before sitting down at the table. The belt will fix your stomach, and you will feel that the feeling of fullness will come after the first spoonfuls of food. To relieve appetite, rub your ears with your hands 30 minutes before meals. From exposure to active points, the feeling of hunger will disappear, and you will eat less.
Establishing a regime
It’s hard to get back to getting up early after a night out. Oddly enough, the daily routine is again related to the diet. If you need to get up at 7.00:8.00 and have breakfast before 19.00:12, have dinner no later than XNUMX:XNUMX. Left without food for XNUMX hours, the body itself will wake up from hunger early in the morning. And to make it easier to fall asleep in the evening, drink an infusion of mint or motherwort, a glass of warm milk, weak green tea with honey half an hour before bedtime. Before going to bed, ventilate the room, or rather take a walk. The aromas of lavender, marjoram, chamomile, thyme will help you fall asleep.
How to get back to normal after vacation?
We are saturated with moisture
Drinking alcohol for several days in a row provokes dehydration. It is necessary to provide him with a full drinking regime. You can drink water, cranberry juice, sweet tea with lemon, fermented milk drinks – little by little, in small sips, but a total of 2 liters per day. Any alkaline mineral water will help remove harmful substances from the body. And cabbage brine will replenish the reserves of potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus, which the body has lost in the process of dehydration.
Chasing unnecessary
Festive tables are rich in salty foods, and excess salt in the body means increased pressure, swelling on the face and heaviness in the legs. Eliminate salt from the diet for several days, and the salt that has already accumulated in the body can be removed with the help of diuretics. A decoction of wild rose, mint, thyme, parsley is suitable for this. Frequent meals in small portions, in particular, helps to drain bile and normalize the liver. To relieve the feeling of discomfort and heaviness, take enzymes with meals. If symptoms persist after two days, see your doctor.
Fighting the blues
The abrupt transition from long holidays to weekdays is a great burden on the psyche. The simplest and healthiest things will help you to improve your mood and cheer up: walking in the fresh air, doing winter sports. In addition, sports activities will lower blood cholesterol, normalize blood pressure and improve brain function due to the flow of oxygen. To raise the tone, drink ginger tea with lemon, orange juice. The sight and aroma of citrus fruits alone are capable of