The Nordic diet, also known as the North or Scandinavian diet, is now becoming more and more popular. It is based mainly on local plant products and seafood prepared using traditional methods. More and more current research results confirm its pro-health properties and a positive effect on weight reduction.
Healing infusion for winter days
Stabilization after the end of the slimming diet
Main features of the Nordic diet
There are a few Nordic diet varieties depending on nationality. The differences can be observed between the diet of Swedes, Danes and Norwegians. However, they connect them the following rules:
- including more fish, seafood and seaweed in the diet
- eating wild and uninhabited products regions
- predominance of plant-based products in the diet
Recommended products
Scandinavian way nutrition recommends frequent use of vegetables, fruits, berries, seeds legumes, whole products grains, rapeseed oil, seeds and nuts. the diet is also rich in fresh fish, seafood and lean dairy products. It is also recommended that they appear in her fresh herbs and seaweed. The latter provide a rich source of well digestible protein, unsaturated fatty acids, ingredients minerals and vitamins from groups B, A and E. We can also find substances in them bioactive, protecting against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In moderate amounts meat, eggs and animal fats are allowed. It should be completely ruled out while highly processed products, fast-food, sweets and sweetened drinks.
Weight reduction
Diet Norse exhibit may as well effects slimming. This is because it is mainly based on products fresh and prepared using methods such as slow cooking, stewing or baking without the addition of fat. Menu composed in accordance with the principles of the northern diet is also amazing varied. It is recommended that the consumed products come from natural crops thanks to which they show much higher nutritional values.
Effect on health
Analyze the increasing amount of dietary research results available today Norse allows define her properties as very promising. It has been shown, inter alia, that this way of eating contributes to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, diseases cardiovascular condition inflammation in the body and improvement of the lipid profile. Has also been observed improving the absorption of vitamins and minerals and favorable trends in in the case of lowering the chance of developing cancers of the colon, prostate and breast or osteoporosis.
A study conducted in 2016 on a group of 156 women i men with features of metabolic syndrome assessed the effect of the Nordic diet on lipid profile. It consisted in changing the diet for 18 or 24 years weeks by introducing vegetables, fruits, berries, products with whole grain, fish, vegetable oils (mainly rapeseed), and meat o low fat. A blood test was done before proceeding to examinations and immediately after the end of the diet. It has been shown that people following the Nordic diet had favorable changes in their lipid profile compared to control group.
It is important for the effectiveness of the diet to be balanced in terms of amount of calories and nutrients ingested in relation to appropriate standards for each person. It is worth noting that the Nordic diet does not has clear guidelines on this. It only indicates which products from specific groups should be selected when composing your menu. Certain products such as seafood or fish from special farms may have also a high price, while some species of berries or fruits be not available outside the Scandinavian countries.
Lankinen M., Schwab U., Kolehmainen M., I wsp. A Healthy Nordic diet Ages the Plasma Lipidomic Profile in Adults with Features of Metabolic Syndrome in a Multicenter Randomized Dietary Intervention. J Nutr. 2016 Kolehmainen M., Ulven SM., Paananen J., I wsp. Healthy Nordic diet downregulates the expression of genes involved in inflammation in subcutaneous adipose tissue in individuals with features of the metabolic syndrome. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Brader L., Rejnmark L., Carlberg C. I wsp. Effects of a healthy Nordic diet on plasma 25 hydroxyvitamin D concentration in subjects with metabolic syndrome: a randomized, controlled trial Eur J Nutr. 2014
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