
Non-verbal is information received in communication and interaction through non-verbal channels. First of all, non-verbalism is body language: gestures, intonations, facial expressions, eyes and face expressions. Non-verbal information also includes information that people transmit to each other not with their bodies, but with other available means.

For example, in Spain, the fan language was widespread, when a lover could read information from a lady by the position of her fan.

Nonverbalism is practically a synonym for the concept of nonverbal communication, although nonverbalism also includes the interpretation of bodily signs (the meaning of facial expressions and gestures), which a person did not plan to convey and which cannot be classified as communication in the strict sense.

Nonverbalism includes the following components:

  • Paralinguistics (sound, tempo, volume, intonation);
  • Kinesics (gestures, gesture processes and gesture systems);
  • Proxemics (space and distancing);
  • Facial expressions (movements of facial muscles);
  • Haptics (touch and tactile communication);
  • Khromenika (time of communication);
  • Odorica (scents, cosmetics, tattoos);
  • Auscultation (hearing, perception of sound);
  • Systemology (systematization of space, location of objects, meanings that these objects express in the process of communication);
  • Actonics (actions, rituals, deeds that mean something);
  • Gastika (communicative functions of food and drinks, potions and treats, meals, behavior while eating).

In order to perceive and comprehend all the named components of non-verbal, it is necessary to use technical means of fixation (for example, video recording). In this case, each component can be carefully described and studied. However, in real life, such a detailed fixation and elaboration of all components is impossible. In this case, selective fixation is applied. The components that are easiest to track and interpret in the process of communication are facial expressions, posture, gestures, distance and intonation. The rest of the components of non-verbals are recorded additionally, if possible.

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