None of us want to go to prison for 25 years, say gynecologists

– We work terribly. We feel that we are putting ourselves at risk for the system. In the light of the cameras, we are led out in handcuffs and brought to trial. Our state is simply oppressive. It is difficult to undertake rational methods of saving patients with the vision of serving a sentence of 25 years in prison – says an outstanding gynecologist with many years of experience.

  1. – What happened in Poland with the anti-abortion law is a total disaster. The law is easy to write, but as a consequence doctors are left alone with patients. And both sides experience a drama – says the gynecologist
  2. In practice, it happens that doctors use psychiatric indications when deciding to terminate a threatened pregnancy. But in most hospitals this action is not taken because everyone is scared. Nobody wants to excuse themselves that they have potentially committed a crime under the Criminal Code.
  3. – A year ago, when I was dealing with difficult cases, I honestly talked with my patients about the reality: that after the waters have drained, the child has very little chance of survival. That the abortion will take place for her sake, for the sake of her pregnancy, says one of the gynecologists
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In September this year, a 30-year-old woman died in the Pszczyna County Hospital. She was 22 weeks pregnant. On admission to the ward, anhydrous was found, and previously diagnosed congenital defects of the fetus were confirmed.

During hospitalization, the fetus died, and the patient died less than 24 hours later as a result of septic shock. The case was referred to the prosecutor’s office.

  1. Find out more: Death of a pregnant 30-year-old in Pszczyna. New facts on the case

Death of a pregnant 30-year-old in Pszczyna. Doctors are afraid …

Part of the medical and legal community is of the opinion that the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal had an impact on the tragic end of the pregnancy of the patient of the hospital in Pszczyna.

Let us recall: in October last year, the Constitutional Tribunal issued a judgment which in practice prohibits Polish women from terminating their pregnancy.

In its ruling, it stated that termination of pregnancy due to irreversible and fatal defects of the fetus is unconstitutional. Despite massive protests that swept the country, the ruling took effect after its publication in January this year.

Regarding the death of the 30-year-old girl from Pszczyna, there are lawyers who argue that it has nothing to do with the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal. In their opinion, this is only a medical error.

And doctors are afraid to speak up on this matter and reserve their anonymity. Here is what eminent specialists in the field of gynecology and obstetrics say: honestly, but not under the name.

Further part under the video.

Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal. The doctors’ hands are tied

Gynecologist A .: – A year ago, when I dealt with such cases, I honestly talked with my patients about the reality: that after the waters have drained, the child has very little chance of survival. That abortion is good for her.

And also the generally understood social good, because such a child will forever remain incapable of independent life and dependent on apparatus.

And usually, at the mother’s request, as elsewhere abroad, such pregnancies ended. Now, as doctors, our hands are tied. We must not propose something like this to the mother. Unless her life is in danger – she gets upset.

Anti-abortion catastrophe

Gynecologist, W .: – What happened in Poland with the anti-abortion act is a total catastrophe. Unfortunately, in my practice I see a lot of decision-making problems because of the restrictions that have been implemented. Because the act is very easy to write, but as a consequence doctors are left alone with their patients. And both sides experience a drama.

People who made women’s lives their own way and made it hell do not realize the number of complications during pregnancy. And that we have to continue pregnancies that are endangered and burdened with fetal defects, which did not have to be continued, she says.

Mental trauma and secondary infertility

An outstanding specialist with many years of experience also adds that those responsible for changing the abortion law are not aware of the many negative health implications of the new legislation.

– This is, for example, a psychological trauma, because many patients simply refuse to get pregnant again. Secondary infertility may occur as a result of the adhesions formed. The amount of damage that will occur as a result of this unfortunate decision of the Constitutional Tribunal will be enormous. The worst thing is that we foresaw all these consequences, but our translations were of no use – she emphasizes embittered.

Death of a 30-year-old girl. Even the “New York Times” writes about the case from Pszczyna

The gynecologist A. follows the history of Pszczyna from the very beginning and is terrified.

– And pissed. We have the XNUMXst century and such things as the hospital in Pszczyna should not happen, and the whole world writes about the case, even the New York Times – he says.

The case of the deceased patient from the hospital in Pszczyna was handled by a well-known lawyer, Jolanta Budzowska, who in medical matters defends patients against doctors and their potential mistakes. He undertakes to deal with difficult cases and he practically always wins them.

One of the gynecologists, H., also asking not to give his name, says that he is a terror for doctors.

– We call her “Żyleta” because she is well versed in medical law. When she appears at conferences as a speaker on the subject, doctors line up for her and refer to her almost as if she were to the English queen, she reports.

And she stipulates that the case of a 30-year-old who orphaned her little daughter could actually break the lawyer’s career.

– She took the position that it was because of the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal that such a tragedy took place. And not because doctors are stupid or want to harm the patient. Because it is possible, of course, that the medics who decided on the course of treatment of the woman reacted too late and that is why she developed sepsis – the doctor analyzes.

Vision of 25 years in prison for doctors after the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal

A. asks rhetorically: – But why did they do that? Because they had a vision of risk before their eyes and the awareness of serving a 25-year prison sentence. If they had caused a miscarriage earlier with the use of spasmodic drugs, the healthy patient would have gone home. They did not do it because they wanted to avoid accusations of termination of pregnancy, as a result of which they would go to jail – he analyzes.

In practice, it sometimes happens that doctors rely on psychiatric indications.

For example, if a mother is under extreme stress from multiple fetal defects and defects, and is concerned that she will not be able to cope with the challenge, and has thoughts of suicide in addition.

This is entered in the documentation, which is the basis for the termination of pregnancy.

– But in most hospitals such action is not taken because everyone is scared. Nobody wants to excuse themselves that they have potentially committed a crime under the Criminal Code. And not from a civil one, with a charge of committing a medical error – analyzes A.

Gynecologist W. says that today making decisions about medical procedures, especially in the case of the so-called difficult pregnancies, when the fetus has numerous defects, is very difficult.

– Each of us has to think ten times before taking any action. So as not to be accused of having an abortion later. This may result in a delay in time and the assumption by doctors of a wait-and-see attitude, while their medical intervention could be more active and in line with medical knowledge. If this fatal act did not exist and the patient with drained amniotic waters and fetal defects came and said: I am asking you to terminate the pregnancy, the matter would be resolved. Today it is almost impossible – he says.

Prove the danger to life

Why? Because the decision to terminate a pregnancy must be justified and proved that it is a threat to the woman’s life and health.

– And the question arises: was the mere drainage of amniotic fluid such a threat? And then, should there be a court hearing under the Criminal Code, it all depends on the experts. This is a huge field for discussion between them, because they may ask: what were the results of the research? How serious was the infection in the mother’s body? It is very complicated, because in the case of Pszczyna, gynecologists might not have managed to get the results of the post-screening tests, which are waiting for a few days, wonders W.

Doctors: none of us want to go to jail

– We work terribly. We feel like people who expose themselves to the system. Which are led out in handcuffs in the light of the cameras and brought to trial. Our country is simply oppressive, stressful. Currently, our professional group resembles the situation of Polish lawyers, who are being pursued and made their work difficult. We stand in the middle of what we have been taught, medical ethics, medical knowledge, and the fear for the freedom and safety of the profession – confides A.

Every day he admits patients who come for prenatal tests. And at least once a week it turns out that the baby has birth defects.

– Until recently, in such a situation, she received a referral from me. If she had made the decision to terminate such a pregnancy, she could have done so. Our law allowed it. Today they terminate pregnancy abroad. We feel sorry for these patients, we act against logic, ethics and medical art. But this is only due to fear of the system. None of us want to go to jail – ends A.

This may interest you:

  1. The woman died because of an abortion ban. This shocked Ireland
  2. How many deaths among women may be caused by an abortion ban? Data from the USA
  3. Iza from Pszczyna had a septic shock. What is this?

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