Non-verbal signs of communication between a man and a woman — how to distinguish them and why is it beneficial for us to know about them?

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Most often it happens that we pay more attention to the gestures, facial expressions and posture of a person than to his words, because they are true, they are difficult to fake. We read this information most often unconsciously, I talked about the main points in my blog “What is non-verbal communication and how to recognize the emotional state of a person”. But today I decided to delve a little deeper into the topic, and provide you with an article about how it happens and what it is, non-verbal communication between a man and a woman.

Relationships are a very complex thing, and sometimes it is very important to understand its nuances. In addition, this information will come in handy on a date, because the first impression settles very deeply in perception, and it is very difficult to change it later.

Table of differences

It’s no secret that men and women are very different. They perceive information differently, they have different needs, views on life, thinking, gestures and facial expressions. Let’s take a closer look at this difference in the table:

1CommunicationThe need is one and a half times higher. This feature has already been manifested since childhood.It satisfies the need already at work, therefore, when getting home, it prefers to be silent, thereby resting.
2GoalThe process itself is importantStriving to achieve results
3The topic of conversationFailures, new things and stories about othersWork, your successes, sports
4thinkingMost often out loud, it’s easier to make a decision or realize somethingTo myself, expressing only the final result of my thoughts
5Ability to interruptRarely, but if this happens, it returns to the starting point at which it interruptedTwice as often
6The hearing processAble to listen long and attentivelyOn average, only 10-15 seconds, then distracted
7MimicryRich and easier to recognize. When talking, look the interlocutor in the eyesLook to the side, the easiest way to recognize the feeling of grief or sadness
8FalseAble to easily deceive, as well as to recognize lies due to her sensitivity and ability to subconsciously notice the discrepancy between words and non-verbal signs.They lie unnaturally, it succeeds mainly in the case when a woman is ready to be deceived.
9criticalityMore critical of themselves, their position in society and appearanceCritical to others, especially to their interlocutors


Man’s manifestations

Non-verbal signs of communication between a man and a woman — how to distinguish them and why is it beneficial for us to know about them?

  • If a guy wants to please, or shows interest, he straightens his shoulders, draws in his stomach and raises his head. May begin to unconsciously tidy himself up by straightening his hair or shirt collar. At an opportunity, he looks for an opportunity to be closer, and in a large company, the socks of his shoes will be turned towards you. May somehow accidentally touch you, your hair or hand.
  • Recognizing love is not difficult. It is worth taking a closer look at his pupils in a room where there is natural light, if they are dilated, you were able to conquer him. The gaze periodically looks away when you look at it. It is only important to catch the difference between boredom and the desire to hide their feelings towards you. At a meeting, he can barely perceptibly raise one or both eyebrows up.
  • If, when communicating with you, he spreads his legs wide, unbuttons the top button of his shirt, glides over the figure and carefully looks at his lips, then this signals an increased interest in you, only of a sexual nature.
  • Think about what mistake you made if the man next to you starts to yawn, invite more interlocutors to the conversation, periodically glances at his watch, phone. A defocused gaze, toes of shoes turned towards the exit, fidgeting in a chair or nervous tapping of fingers on the table are signs that he can no longer wait to leave your company.

Manifestations in a woman

  • Signs of sympathy are more pronounced — in addition to dilated pupils, girls often have reddened cheeks, they hold their gaze longer on the interlocutor they like, they can lick their lips, preen, and make reservations in a conversation. The mood rises, sometimes they even laugh at bad jokes, they can copy the pose, quite unconsciously wanting to be “on the same wavelength”. She crosses her legs so that you can appreciate her thigh, if you are sitting next to her — she can touch her shoulder, as if by chance. If the socks are turned towards you, but at that moment he is flirting with another guy, it is likely that he wants to make you jealous, or to check the reaction, how much you liked it.
  • When there is sexual interest, the girl casually, at the slightest opportunity, examines the figure of the guy. He can do it defiantly, but for some reason this look often remains unrecognized.
  • A sign that she is not at all interested in your communication or is already rather tired of it is the same as that of the guys. The girl will show interest in everything, but not in you, she can yawn, cover her mouth with her palm, as if propping up her chin and cheek. If, in aggregate, to all the signs, her posture is completely closed, with crossed arms or legs, then at the moment nothing good will come of it.

The important point is that most of the signs must be present at the same time, otherwise, it is likely that the interest will be false, or not directed at you.

There are times when a girl’s eyes are burning, there is a happy smile and her pupils are dilated only because just recently she had a meeting with another person.

Recommendations for women

Non-verbal signs of communication between a man and a woman — how to distinguish them and why is it beneficial for us to know about them?

  1. In a conversation, try to start with the main thing, and only then move on to the details, because you may well cause irritation with a long story. The guy’s type of thinking is such that when he hears about a problem, he immediately needs to look for a solution to it, while sometimes it’s enough for a girl to just speak out.
  2. You should go towards or next to him with a straight back and a raised head, just do not overdo it so that he does not consider you arrogant and arrogant. Movements should be free, uninhibited, in which case you will give the impression of a self-confident woman.
  3. It is possible to show that you have sympathy with the help of a non-verbal invitation to your personal space — move closer to him, reducing the distance between you, lightly touch in a conversation with your shoulder or fingertips, and also tilt your body closer to him, this will create a feeling of closeness .
  4. Repeat his posture, but not often, not defiantly, but by chance, thereby creating an environment for trust. Occasionally fix your hair, and smile sincerely. How to do this, you can read in the article «The most interesting features of non-verbal communication between people.»
  5. Try to be natural, do not use all the methods of seduction at the same time, otherwise it may cause completely opposite feelings in the interlocutor.
  6. When you want to express your point of view, then start with the phrase «I think», instead of using «I feel», this will give the words more weight, then you will be listened to. After all, as you know, the weak half of humanity is distinguished by its emotionality, the tendency to make decisions under the influence of feelings, relying on intuition, while the strong half is guided by logic.

Recommendations for men

  1. If you smile very often, you can be perceived suspiciously, therefore, as for the opposite sex, it is important to be able to laugh sincerely. If you remember, the psychology of the weaker sex is such that they easily read non-verbal information, this skill is laid down by nature so that the mother can recognize the needs of her baby. So the most important recommendation is to be sincere.
  2. When communicating, show as many open gestures as possible, which indicate a willingness to be honest and open. For example, do not hide your palms, do not cross your legs …
  3. You should not hold your attention on other girls, otherwise the interlocutor will catch your eye, which will not at all affect the relationship favorably.
  4. There is such a gesture that indicates your self-confidence and inner strength, it is called the «pyramid», this is when the fingertips and palms are connected together. So, if you want to conquer the interlocutor and not betray your excitement, use it during meetings.
  5. To position more towards intimate relationships, you can use this technique: put your index finger on your lower lip, hold it for a couple of seconds, then tap lightly on your lip a couple of times and remove it. This will fix the message and desire to move to a new level in the girl’s subconscious.
  6. Listen carefully, try not to interrupt, slightly leaning forward with your body, demonstrating your interest.
  7. You can put your thumbs behind the belt, and if you are sitting — keep your hands on your hips, or stretch your legs forward, this will create a feeling of your location in relation to the girl, as well as a manifestation of love and a demonstration of masculinity.


That’s all, dear readers, be more attentive to your interlocutors, use the above recommendations. Then you can easily determine whether the chosen one or the chosen one loves you, or simply portrays interest.

For a more detailed study of the nuances of non-verbal communication, I recommend reading my article, in which I outlined a list of references with which you can find answers to your questions: «TOP 10 best books on non-verbal communication worth reading.»

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