To date, the causes and mechanisms of the development of age-related tissue changes have been studied in sufficient detail. With age, under the influence of gravity, the superficial muscular-aponeurotic system of the face – SMAS (Superficial Muscle-Aponeurotic System) is stretched, its supporting function is weakened, which is manifested by the prolapse of facial tissues, the appearance of folds and wrinkles.
Despite the large number of hardware techniques on the market today, therapeutic cosmetology had a very limited range of indications, but only until Ulthera Inc. (USA) did not present the Ulthera System ultrasonic lifting device. Today he enjoys well-deserved respect among plastic surgeons – the “guru” of anti-aging techniques. With its appearance, cosmetology has reached a fundamentally new level of anti-aging therapy and can now be compared in effectiveness with surgical intervention, but, unlike the latter, the procedure takes about 40 minutes, has no seasonality and no rehabilitation period.
Focused ultrasound exposure is the only technology officially registered by the FDA (the US Food and Drug Administration) in the Lifting De Novo * category, which allows you to perform a rejuvenating procedure directly at the SMAS level.
The Ulthera System is programmed with specific settings for each area of the face, and the image on the monitor allows the doctor to see the skin and subcutaneous structures in the area of the sensor. This ensures full control over the course of the procedure.
As a result of this effect, all layers of the soft tissues of the face are lifted immediately after the procedure. The patient observes a noticeable tightening and compaction of soft tissues in the upper, middle and lower third of the face, the nasolabial folds are smoothed out, and the “puppet wrinkles” disappear. And with the advent of a new surface sensor with a depth of influence of 1,5 mm, it became possible to fight, among other things, with fine wrinkles.
But a much more pronounced effect appears after 3-4 months, during which new collagen is produced in the zones of ultrasound exposure. Thanks to this, the contours in the lower jaw and neck area become more clear, the elasticity of the skin of the cheeks and submental area increases, and the overhanging of the skin of the upper eyelids is eliminated. The effect of the performed procedure lasts for more than one and a half years.
* The only non-invasive lifting at the SMAS level
* The technique is an alternative to surgery, but does not replace it.
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Exclusive distributor in Russia – Vallex M LLC
Moscow, Starokaluzhskoe highway 62; tel .: (495) 784-71-21 / 23;