Non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the arteries

Due to the not always correct lifestyle of a modern person, he becomes more susceptible to various diseases. The cause of atherosclerosis can be an unbalanced diet, lack of physical activity, a hereditary factor and the harmful effects of the external environment. This pathology can have a stenosing and non-stenosing form. What is it, and what are the differences between them? Let’s figure it out.

What is non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the arteries?

Non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the arteries is a disease in which cholesterol plaques form on the inner surface of the vessels, but the deposits practically do not slow down the blood flow. These plaques are elongated and localized along the surface of the arteries, which is the main distinguishing feature from the stenosing form of atherosclerosis, in which calcifications grow into the lumen of the vessels and significantly impede blood flow.

Cholesterol plaque is a deposition of lipid tissue, which becomes harder over time due to the deposition of calcium on its surface. With non-stenosing atherosclerosis, the formation can block the lumen of the vessel by no more than half.

This pathology begins to develop at a fairly young age and is asymptomatic for a long time, and only with progression can it manifest itself as a pathology of an organ that lacks nutrients due to poor blood circulation. As a rule, this happens after 50 years.

Symptoms of non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the arteries

Non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the arteries

The clinical picture of this disease depends on the localization of cholesterol plaques:

  • With the defeat of the brachycephalic arteries, which mainly feed the brain cells, weakness, dizziness may develop with a sharp movement of the head, a change in body position or a decrease in blood pressure, blurred vision in the form of “flies” before the eyes. This is explained by the fact that under reduced pressure, blood cannot flow to the brain through a vessel narrowed by a plaque. As a result, he suffers from a lack of nutrients and reacts in this way to this factor;

  • It is also possible the appearance of tinnitus, numbness of the hands and feet for a short period;

  • Characteristic signs of non-stenosing atherosclerosis in the early stages can be considered frequent attacks of headache, which are not relieved after taking painkillers. A person becomes distracted, it is difficult for him to concentrate;

  • In addition, the patient is constantly tormented by a feeling of lack of sleep, drowsiness, fatigue.

If any symptom appears, you should go to the doctor to determine the cause, because with a complete blockage of the arteries, blood will stop flowing to the brain, as a result of which a stroke will occur.

Causes of the disease

The main reason for the development of this pathology is a violation of lipid metabolism in the body, which can be triggered by the following factors:

  • Hypertonic disease;

  • Obesity;

  • Addiction to alcohol, smoking;

  • High blood cholesterol;

  • Constant stress;

  • Genetic predisposition;

  • Previously transferred infectious diseases;

  • Pathological processes in the endocrine glands.

Any of these reasons does not mean that atherosclerosis will definitely develop in you, however, the listed factors, especially in combination, increase the risk of atherosclerosis by several times.


To establish the diagnosis of “non-stenosing atherosclerosis”, the patient is prescribed such instrumental diagnostic methods as ultrasound and Doppler studies. They allow you to get as much information about the vessels as possible.

When examined with a Doppler, the doctor can see the degree of narrowing of the arteries, the exact location of cholesterol plaques, the condition of the walls of the vessels. Also, this method makes it possible to determine the speed of blood flow. All these indicators determine the further treatment plan for the patient.

In addition, the patient must take a blood test to determine the level of cholesterol.

Treatment of non-stenosing atherosclerosis of arteries

Non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the arteries

Only an integrated approach can give a good effect. As a rule, non-stenotic form of atherosclerosis is treated conservatively. This allows the patient to lead a normal life.

Therapy for this pathology is aimed at normalizing cholesterol levels, correcting the diet, sleep and activity patterns, and taking certain medications.

Let’s analyze each stage in more detail:

  • Statins. To balance the amount of lipids in the blood, the doctor may prescribe special drugs – statins. They block the production of cholesterol by the liver. For the same purpose, the patient needs to reconsider his diet. Learn more about statins and fibrates;

  • Diet. With non-stenosing atherosclerosis, the use of animal fats is not allowed, it is necessary to limit the amount of sugar and salt. Eliminate confectionery, white bread, smoked meats, canned food, strong coffee and tea, carbonated drinks, and alcohol from your diet. More about allowed and prohibited foods for atherosclerosis;

  • Bad habits. It is worth giving up smoking and alcohol. It is necessary to properly organize the mode of activity and rest. In addition, physical activity should be increased. It can be long walks in the fresh air, slow running, swimming, morning exercises. What exactly you choose for yourself depends only on your individual wishes;

  • Medicines. Of the medications, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents can be prescribed, acetylsalicylic acid is often prescribed. If the pathology has developed against the background of hypertension, if necessary, the doctor recommends taking drugs to lower blood pressure and diuretics. List of drugs to improve the functioning of the brain;

During treatment, you will need to periodically donate blood to determine the level of cholesterol.

Non-stenosing atherosclerosis is an insidious disease. But if you listen carefully to your body, you will be able to detect it in time and treat it.

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