Non-obvious effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of modern rehabilitation.
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We are now learning more and more about possible complications in people who have had COVID-19. The wide spectrum of symptoms and problems is a challenge for all areas of medicine in terms of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.

The American Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) distinguish the following symptoms after recovery from COVID-19: shortness of breath, cough, pain in the chest and head, chronic fatigue, pain in muscles and joints, loss of smell or taste, rash, problems with memory, concentration and sleep, rapid heartbeat. Unpleasant symptoms may persist for weeks or months after contracting the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus infection that causes the COVID-19 disease. In most cases they resolve on their own, however organ damage may be long lasting.

Rehabilitation is an important part of the modern healthcare model. Thanks to it, people who have undergone COVID-19 can safely return to their daily activities and sports.

Currently, more and more research is being carried out on the effects of COVID-19 disease, however, we should not forget about people who are healthy, but also feel the effects of the pandemic. The introduced restrictions, limitations and changes in everyday functioning lead to additional, adverse health effects in all age groups.

Lockdown, restriction of professional and social activity, work and lessons in remote mode limited the spread of the coronavirus, but caused negative health effects such as weight gain, reduced physical activity and deterioration of mental health and many others.

Due to the increased body weight and deterioration of physical condition, taking up physical activity may lead to problems with the joints or muscles. Help in weight reduction and a safe return to physical activity is ensured by modern comprehensive physiotherapy. The whole process is supported by the use of innovative equipment, e.g. the Alter-G anti-gravity treadmill.

The Alter-G antigravity treadmill at the disposal of CMS patients uses the unique technology of air pressure difference developed by NASA. This allows for a safe and not burdensome rehabilitation in order to regain full motor ability as soon as possible, including restoring the normal pattern of walking and running and regaining the full range of motion in the joints. Counteracting gravity allows you to exercise with a body weight reduced by up to 80 percent! Training on an anti-gravity treadmill can be used not only in the case of rehabilitation, but also in the professional or amateur training system, fitness, as well as body shaping and fat reduction.

A person standing on the treadmill in the area of ​​the waist is “covered” is a flexible, inflated ring, and the entire legs – from the feet to the waist – are in a special closed bubble into which air is pumped. It is the air-pumping compressor that moves the body upward, reducing the weight of the person. The maximum pressure inside the machine is 10 percent higher than the atmospheric pressure, and this is what makes the exerciser feel as if they are floating while their feet are still on the treadmill.

Training on an anti-gravity treadmill prevents overloading muscles and joints, and at the same time improves their work, it can also be used in the treatment of neurological problems.

Due to the pandemic limitation of daily activities, many seniors experience problems with free movement. In this case, the Alter-G anti-gravity treadmill will also be perfect, thanks to which they can regain their fitness and ease of walking.

For seniors, it is equally important to prevent falls, which are the most common cause of immobility and lead to serious complications and death.

An excellent device is the Balancer System using a direct suspension system, which allows you to protect the exerciser from falling during balance and walking exercises. During training with the Balancer System, the exerciser is dressed in a vest and attached to a guide, thanks to which he can move safely without the risk of falling. With his hands free, he can carry out activities such as carrying objects or throwing a ball.

Rehabilitation with the use of the Balancer System consists in creating natural environmental conditions leading to loss of balance and self-recovery by the exerciser with protection against falling.

Rehabilitation Department at the Sports Medicine Center at ul. Wawelska 5 is a place with modern technological solutions, as well as a professional and experienced team of physiotherapists who help in returning to everyday activity and practicing your favorite sport for many years. The Alter-G or Balancer System antigravity treadmill solutions mentioned in the article are successfully used by patients in CMS.

Do you need to know more about our solutions? We encourage you to visit our websites:

Do you want to sign up for classes with a physiotherapist? We are available from Monday to Friday at: 22-592-93-05 to 10 from 7.30 – to 20.00 or we invite you directly to the Sports Medicine Center, ul. Wawelska 5 (entry and entrance from Rokitnicka street)

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