Non-carbohydrate diet
A carbohydrate-free diet will help reduce weight for those who are used to snacking on sweets and abusing sugars. According to nutritionists, it is useful to pay attention to the amount of sugars in the usual diet. The menu for every day will help you change your diet without feeling hungry.

Benefits of a low carb diet

Carbohydrates are the most important compounds for the body, from which we extract energy for normal life. But carbohydrates are different and one of the types in this diet is proposed to be excluded, namely, simple carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates differ from complex carbohydrates in that simple carbohydrates break down quickly with little or no expenditure of their own energy, and also dramatically increase glucose levels, causing blood sugar spikes.

The feeling of satiety from such carbohydrates does not last long and at the same time foods with a high glycemic index adversely affect the figure. This is due to the fact that unused sugar is stored in the form of fat reserves – in this way the body tries to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood as quickly as possible.

The exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet allows you to avoid jumps in sugar and the excess is not deposited in fat reserves. Despite some restrictions, the food during this diet is varied. You will not feel hungry, as proteins and fats provide long-term saturation, which fast carbohydrates could not provide.

The diet contributes to overall health, lower blood sugar, improve the condition of blood vessels.

Cons of a no-carb diet

During a carbohydrate-free diet, most of the nutrients come from proteins and fats. This leads to an increased load on the liver and kidneys, which must remove the breakdown products of complex substances. For this reason, the diet is prohibited for people with diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines, kidneys. Pregnant, lactating and adolescents are also prohibited from such food.

Mild ketosis may occur, a phenomenon in which ketone bodies are synthesized to replace the usual brain nutrition with carbohydrates. In this case, the smell of acetone from the mouth and urine is possible.

It is important not to confuse a carbohydrate-free diet with “drying” athletes – these are different types of nutrition. When “drying”, the diet is more rigid, dangerous for the body and is carried out not only for weight loss, but for the manifestation of muscle relief, which was previously built up earlier.

Menu for every day for a carbohydrate-free diet


For nutrition, you need to choose foods with a low GI, up to 50. They are saturated with slow carbohydrates that break down for a long time and give a feeling of satiety. Each product can be checked in special tables. Allowed: brown rice, buckwheat, unsweetened juices, sour fruits, nuts, herbs, cabbage, eggs, milk, meat, fish, non-starchy vegetables, cottage cheese.

Day 1

Breakfast: omelet from 2 eggs and milk, tea without sugar

Lunch: beef broth, baked broccoli, beef slice

Snack: a glass of fat-free yogurt without additives

Dinner: brown rice with chicken breast

Day 2

Breakfast: buckwheat with milk, a piece of cheese

Lunch: steamed cod or tilapia, cucumber and tomato salad

Afternoon snack: low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk, apple

Dinner: green bean stew, boiled egg

Day 3

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, coffee

Lunch: brown rice with chicken breast

Snack: a glass of fat-free yogurt without additives

Dinner: glass of yogurt, orange

Day 4

Breakfast: buckwheat with milk, tea

Lunch: chicken broth with greens and a piece of meat

Snack: boiled egg, slice of cheese

Dinner: string bean stew

Day 5

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, coffee

Lunch: beef broth, baked broccoli, beef slice

Snack: tomato juice, slice of cheese

Dinner: glass of yogurt, orange

Day 6

Breakfast: buckwheat with milk

Lunch: chicken broth with greens and a piece of meat

Snack: baked eggplant

Dinner: stewed cabbage with tomatoes

Day 7

Breakfast: omelet from 2 eggs and milk, tea without sugar

Lunch: steamed cod or tilapia, cucumber and tomato salad

Snack: grapefruit

Dinner: fat-free kefir, apple

Product table

The menu consists mainly of proteins and fats. In order not to be mistaken and not to eat a product with a high carbohydrate content, you need to focus on the glycemic index, which has 100 divisions. Foods with a GI above 55-60 should be avoided.

High GI Foods

White bread, muffins, waffles, other pastries80 – 100
Mashed potatoes80 – 90
White rice, rice noodles, porridge85 – 95 Feet
Muesli, flakes (especially corn flakes)85
Pumpkin, melon, watermelon, fresh and boiled carrots75 – 80
Milk chocolate, chocolate bars and sweets70
Sweet sodas, fruit juices with sugar70
Pure sugar70
Dumplings, semi-finished products, chips, croutons, instant noodles70
Couscous, millet, semolina, wheat flour, oatmeal60 – 70
Bananas, canned peaches, pineapples, raisins60
Marmalade, jam, jams, ice cream60
Prepared ketchup sauces55

For nutrition, you need to choose foods with a low GI, up to 50. They are saturated with slow carbohydrates that break down for a long time and give a feeling of satiety. Each product can be checked in a special table.

Low GI Foods

Green buckwheat, brown rice40 – 50
Kiwi, oranges, mango, grapefruit50
Dried apricots, prunes, dates, plums, quince, apples, peach, apricot, pomegranate, blueberries, cranberries, cherries, tangerines, raspberries30 – 40 Feet
Macaroni from durum wheat40
Sugar-free juices: orange, apple, tomato35
Barley, lentils, beans, peas, soybeans30
Chocolate with cocoa content above 75%30
Cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini, broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes15 – 20
Cottage cheese, kefir, ryazhenka30
Meat, fish, offal0 – 2

The results

With the right smooth exit from the diet and a further reduction in the consumption of fast carbohydrates, the result is quite stable. In a week, you can lose up to 5 – 6 kg.

During such a diet, an unusual reduction in sugars can cause dizziness, apathy and reduced performance. To avoid this, you can dilute the diet with a small amount of natural sugars: dried fruits, honey, fruits, until the discomfort disappears. But in this case, the result will be less noticeable.

Dietitian Reviews

– This diet will draw your attention to what proportion of the usual diet is made up of harmful fast carbohydrates that do not give sufficient saturation and are quickly stored in fat reserves. A large amount of proteins and fats during a carbohydrate-free diet loads the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, it is better to consult a doctor before a diet so as not to cause an exacerbation of diseases. The sharp exclusion of sugars sometimes causes apathy, irritability, distracted attention. It is worth changing the diet gradually, and also go out of the diet smoothly in order to maintain the achieved result, advises Dilara Akhmetova, dietician-consultant, nutrition coach.

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