Non-alcoholic vodka – a new drink or media fiction

Let’s just say: fiction. “Alkofan” conducted a small study of the market and materials on this topic, and we say with a 95% probability that non-alcoholic vodka does not exist. However, this idea is in the air, alcohol lovers pass from mouth to mouth legends about the allegedly patented “little white” with zero strength, and some enthusiasts are enthusiastically looking for the coveted drink on the Internet and in stores.

The roots of the phenomenon

You will not surprise anyone with non-alcoholic beer or wine. They tightly occupied their niche in the market and are always popular. Pregnant women, car owners, people undergoing antibiotic treatment – in a word, all those who cannot afford alcohol are happy to buy “nulls”. There may be several reasons for this:

  • unwillingness to feel like a “black sheep” at a party (celebration).
  • gastronomic addictions – like the taste of the drink, and the intoxicating effect is not important;
  • the desire of young people to look older and more solid.

It seems obvious that there should be non-alcoholic vodka as well. But non-alcoholic wine and beer go through the same production steps as their alcoholic counterparts, including fermentation and aging. Then alcohol is removed from the drink by evaporation – and then, strictly speaking, it is not possible to completely get rid of it, about half a percent of the strength remains – as in kefir or kvass.

Vodka is made up of water and alcohol. If you follow the technology described above and remove alcohol, what will remain? Pure water without impurities.

Why non-alcoholic vodka is meaningless

“Bitter” drink is not for the sake of exquisite taste – on the contrary, drinking vodka is often associated with discomfort, not pleasure. The main and only purpose of vodka is rapid intoxication. Purely theoretically, you can add bitter tinctures to the water to get something vaguely reminiscent of Stolichnaya, but why? It is unlikely that there will be many connoisseurs of pure vodka taste.


In 2002, the newspapers wrote that either in the Moscow region, or in the Leningrad region, a certain invalid Vladimir invented a miracle additive that completely deprives vodka of a fortress. It was said that the man keeps the secret secret, but willingly demonstrates his invention to visiting reporters and journalists.

In 2012, the Internet was flooded with news that non-alcoholic vodka had already been patented and was about to hit the shelves. Indeed, in stores you can find bottles with a clear liquid and “vodka alcohol free” labels, but these are nothing more than comic products for souvenirs or pranks.

There was also talk that a certain Finnish company plans to open a whole plant for the production of non-alcoholic vodka in Ukraine. Specific brands and dates were named – however, later it turned out that there was no such company, and the rumors were groundless.

It is probably possible to create a drink with the taste of vodka. But it will be economically unprofitable and nobody needs it.

Non-alcoholic vodka – a new drink or media fiction
Victim of the non-alcoholic vodka myth…

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