Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy and lactation

Some pregnant women find it difficult to stop drinking alcohol, especially when they get into a drinking group. Sometimes a woman in position wants beer, even if she was indifferent to this drink before. Many see the solution to the problem in non-alcoholic beer. But there are pitfalls to be aware of.

High-quality non-alcoholic beer differs from the usual one only in a lower alcohol content (0,01-0,5% instead of 3-12%). It is a reduced, and not a XNUMX% absence. Completely getting rid of alcohol in beer is impossible, and unnecessary. Fermented milk products, such as kefir or fermented baked milk, have the same strength, but no one considers them dangerous. If you are offered non-alcoholic beer with zero alcohol content, it is most likely a purely chemical product made from powder. The harm of such non-alcoholic beer is obvious, it is better not to buy it.

There are several points of view among doctors about whether it is possible to drink non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy and how harmful it is. But these are just hypotheses, since nowhere in the world have studies been conducted regarding the effect of non-alcoholic beer on the body of a pregnant woman.

Theoretically, non-alcoholic beer made only from natural ingredients (water, hops, yeast, malt) is no more harmful than other products. But in practice, manufacturers can add chemicals to the composition that promote foaming and increase shelf life, it is these additives that can become the source of the problem.

The effect of non-alcoholic beer on pregnancy is difficult to predict, as every body is different. To reduce the risk of negative consequences, you need to use it in moderation. It is difficult to name the exact dose, most of the interviewed mothers who drank non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy are advised to drink no more than 1 liter per week, taking a break of at least 2 days between each 0,5 liter.

In turn, doctors believe that before the 13th week of pregnancy, alcohol is harmful even in small doses, since during this period the internal organs of the child are actively formed. Also, non-alcoholic beer is contraindicated for nursing mothers, as it can provoke an allergy in a child.

Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy and lactation
Until the 13th week it is better to refrain from alcohol

In addition to beer, there is non-alcoholic wine, which is produced by several large producers. In small doses, it can also be drunk by pregnant women, but not more than 1-2 glasses per week.

Attention! The information is advisory in nature and is not a guide to action. Possible contraindications, consult your doctor.

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