Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy

Many people ask themselves whether it is harmful to drink non-alcoholic beer while pregnant. This doubt seems quite absurd, because it has been known for years that even the smallest amount of alcohol can cause permanent damage to the fetus, and such beer contains small amounts of alcohol. Here another question arises – is non-alcoholic beer really something that a pregnant woman cannot live without?

It has been proven that even minimal amounts of alcohol that enter the body of a future mother can cause a lot of harm to an unborn baby. His body is still developing, individual organs are being shaped and at this stage no defense mechanisms are developed that could neutralize the toxin, which is alcohol. So it is clear that non-alcoholic beer should not be served to pregnant women, because there is also a small amount of alcohol in it.

Effects of alcohol on a developing child in the womb

Few women know that alcohol is harmful to a baby in the first days after conception. This is a big problem because the expectant mother does not know that a baby is developing in her belly. So she had no chance to consciously give up alcohol. Between three and five weeks after conception, alcohol can cause permanent and very serious damage to the developing baby’s brain. However, in the third trimester of pregnancy, alcohol significantly slows down the baby’s development and is usually the cause of premature termination of pregnancy, which deprives the baby of the possibility of proper development.

Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy – alcohol content

In order for any drink to be treated as non-alcoholic, it is enough that alcohol in its composition does not exceed 0,5 percent of its content. In non-alcoholic beer, this limit is not exceeded, but in order for the beer to retain its flavor, a minimum alcohol content is necessary. In the production process, this state is achieved by interrupting traditional fermentation while the alcohol is not yet formed, but this does not change the fact that a small amount of alcohol will be present in the liquid.

Comparable amounts of alcohol can be found in popular beer liqueurs and in non-alcoholic wines. Both of these drinks are not recommended for pregnant women. Non-alcoholic wine contains as much as 0,4 percent alcohol, which means that it poses a danger to the developing child.

Non-alcoholic beer in pregnancy – effects

Just like any alcohol that reaches the body of an unborn baby, non-alcoholic beer can cause not only premature births, but also miscarriages. Even a small amount of alcohol consumed by a future mother can damage the baby’s brain or cause ADHD. The babies of mothers who drink pregnant are much lower at birth and often develop at a slower pace than their peers. Hearing and vision impairments are also very common, which may impair a child for life.

Although beer is called non-alcoholic, it is worth giving up this drink during pregnancy, because it can harm your baby a lot.

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