Non-alcoholic beer benefits and harms – short and clear

Benefits of non-alcoholic beer – a drink containing from 0,02 to 1-1,5% ethyl alcohol and generously saturated with various kinds of flavors, flavors, foaming agents and preservatives – more than conditional.

how non-alcoholic beer is made

The benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer

The Japanese story of increased anticarcinogenic resistance of the body in laboratory mice drinking exclusively non-alcoholic beer still requires serious confirmation. And even if scientists from the Land of the Rising Sun turn out to be right, it will be much more expedient to isolate the corresponding chemical compound and prepare an effective medical preparation based on it.

The harm of non-alcoholic beer – on the one hand, the alcohol content in drinks of this kind can be ten times lower than in ordinary beer. Thus, from this point of view, a conditionally non-alcoholic option is able to cause significantly less harm to our body. However, in this case, we are not talking about the complete absence of the negative impact of ethanol.

On the other hand, with the exception of the amount of alcohol, the drink we are interested in contains the same ingredients as a full-fledged beer; we are talking about hops, barley sugar, carbon dioxide, etc. Accordingly, if there are medical contraindications associated with all these products and substances, the use of such an advertised drink will not be a solution to the problem.

And, finally, we should not forget about those very by no means harmless chemical additives, whose content in non-alcoholic beer is much higher than in classic drinks. That is, in exchange for increasing the level of ethanol, which is quite acceptable in reasonable doses, adherents of the “zero option” treat their body to completely alien and, at the same time, much more toxic substances.

  1. Harm of non-alcoholic beer for men

    Regardless of the alcohol factor, regular initiation to foam sooner or later can backfire unpleasantly on the representatives of the stronger sex. The result of exorbitant beer libations, in this case, is a decrease in the level of the male hormone in the body: testosterone and its replacement with a vegetable variety of female hormones: estrogens, obtained through the drink. The result of such changes, as a rule, is the expansion of the pelvis, thickening of the fat layer, an increase in breast volume and the appearance of high notes in the voice.

    It is curious that completely opposite processes take place in the body of beer-loving ladies. As a result, there is a decrease in the timbre of the voice and the appearance of a beer mustache.

  2. Antibiotics and non-alcoholic beer

    Ethanol is also ethanol in Africa. Even a small dose of ethyl compounds can weaken or pervert the effect of antibiotics on the human body.

  3. Is non-alcoholic beer bad for the liver?

    Judge for yourself. Our liver is a natural filter that, at the cost of destroying our own cells, protects our body not only from excess ethyl alcohol, but also from other toxic substances. And you are going to bring down a stream of chemicals on her, and even treat her to a snack with that same ethanol. The conclusion suggests itself. It is not for nothing that doctors do not welcome the use of soft drinks for liver diseases; for example: hepatitis.

Non-alcoholic beer for some other diseases

  1. Non-alcoholic beer for pancreatitis. In this case, the answer will look even more categorical. For even the slightest bit of alcohol can lead to irritation of the damaged pancreas.

  2. With prostatitis even the symbolic use of alcohol is highly undesirable. Especially if the treatment of the disease is associated with taking antibiotics.

  3. With hemorrhoids drinking said drink can also cause complications. The reason for this is the negative effect of ethanol on the anus mucosa, aggravated by an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide.

  4. Beer with diabetes soft drink is also a rather risky thing. After all, reducing the alcohol content in the drink in no way affects the presence of barley sugar in it – maltose.

  5. With epilepsy the use of non-alcoholic beer is undesirable. This is due to the diuretic properties of the drink. Excessive stress on the kidneys can lead to an increase in blood pressure and thus increase the likelihood of an attack.

  6. Gout Doctors categorically forbid non-alcoholic beer drinks. The substances contained in them are processed by the body into uric acid, which is extremely harmful to diseased joints.

  7. With gastritis beer “zero” is unconditionally excluded. This time, the point is the presence of fermentation by-products, which, with the feasible support of ethanol, irritate the walls of the unfortunate stomach.

  8. With cystitis Doctors recommend limiting consumption. The diuretic properties of the drink, in this case, could bring some benefit, but it will be negated by the irritating effect of such a liquid on an inflamed bladder. If it came to treating the disease with antibiotics, then in this case there is no room for discussion at all.

  9. Rabies vaccination. According to Western manufacturers of the rabies vaccine, the medical products they offer have no contraindications to the use of both non-alcoholic and regular beer.

Non-alcoholic beer and antidepressants

While taking antidepressants, the use of a conditionally dealcoholized beer product is either completely excluded or strongly discouraged.

The first case concerns medicines of the MAOI (Monoamine oxidase inhibitors) category. The protein substance contained in non-alcoholic beer: tyramine, in combination with the mentioned group of drugs, can lead to a sharp uncontrolled increase in blood pressure.

In the case of other categories of antidepressants, even a conditional dose of ethyl alcohol can contribute to impaired coordination, the appearance of drowsiness and an increase in the load on the heart. At the same time, it should be noted that the manifestation of such side effects depends on the individual properties of each individual organism. Accordingly, it is better, after all, not to experiment.

Do non-alcoholic beers make you fat?

From the drink itself, if we are not talking about the aforementioned hormonal changes in men, they do not get fat. Moreover, due to the low alcohol content, its calorie content is about 30-50 kcal per 100 grams. However, the thing is that the problem of excess weight among beer lovers is not so much in the drink itself, but in obscenely high-calorie traditional beer snacks: chips, crackers, smoked meats, etc.

That is, theoretically, the product of interest to us can be consumed even while on a diet. But, at the same time, you need to be mentally prepared to resist excessively played out appetite.

Can non-alcoholic beer be coded

According to experts, any low-alcohol drink is evil.

On the one hand, drinking a bottle or two of non-alcoholic beer, which is not associated with negative consequences, can create an illusion of permissiveness in a person who has tied up.

On the other hand, the ethanol contained in the drink is enough for a person suffering from alcohol addiction to fail the brakes. The combination of these factors often leads to the transition to regular beer, with all the negative consequences that can occur with coding.

Can the driver drink non-alcoholic beer

The drink we are interested in, first of all, was created for people who want to combine beer gatherings with driving a car. But even in this case, this beer misunderstanding falters.

First of all, you can’t get behind the wheel earlier than 10 minutes after emptying a half-liter container of fake soft drink. In addition, the pronounced smell of a freshly consumed drink can greatly exacerbate an already ambiguous situation.

If you managed to credit 2 liters, you, for the same reasons, should not think about driving for the next half hour.

In addition, there is another piquant moment. During the use of “zero” in a friendly company, and even with a classic beer snack, a kind of Placebo effect can work.

That is, for several tens of minutes, signs of slight intoxication are possible: speech retardation, a rush of blood to the skin, minor coordination disorders, etc. And if in this situation you manage to run into an overly vigilant traffic inspector, then later you will begin to respond about the producers of “safe” beer in very obscene terms.

non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy

Relevance: 09.03.2017

Tags: beer, cider, ale

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