Non-alcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer is a rather strange product, it should be noted. First of all, because there is no exact definition of what non-alcoholic beer is. The reason for this is simple: the name itself is misleading. Alcohol is present in non-alcoholic beer, however, in a very small dose. However, no expert will dare to name the exact strength of this drink either – the thing is that it varies from 0,2% to 1% depending on the country of origin.

At the same time, non-alcoholic beer is a drink more expensive than regular beer. Manufacturers explain this by the fact that the process of its manufacture is more time-consuming and complex.

Who is the target audience for this product? In other words, who is it for? It is believed that this drink is “addressed” to those who, for whatever reason, cannot drink regular beer. Such reasons may be health problems, treatment for alcohol dependence, a legal ban on drinking alcohol due to “tender” age, etc.

Historical information

The world’s first non-alcoholic beer appeared in the United States in 1919. At that time, the country had a “dry” law, according to which there was a ban on the production of drinks whose strength would exceed 2,75%. The strength of traditional beer is 3,5-4,7%, and therefore it turned out to be on the “black list”.

Entrepreneurial producers offered yearned customers a drink that tastes like their favorite foamy, has the same color and smell, but with only 0,5% alcohol.

After the “dry” law ceased to operate, the need for such “tricks” disappeared, but the new product was to the taste of buyers. Therefore, manufacturing companies continued to produce the drink, however, now the amount of alcohol in it has slightly increased.

Manufacturing technology

As noted above, it is the complex manufacturing technology that manufacturers explain the higher cost of non-alcoholic beer compared to regular beer. At the same time, a drink with a low alcohol content goes through almost all the same stages as its alcoholic “brother”: the wort is boiled, hops are added, it begins to ferment. However, at the final stage, the product still has to be freed from alcohol.

There are several ways to remove alcohol from beer. The most commonly used is heating. The boiling point of alcohol is an order of magnitude lower than that of water, it is about 78 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the alcohol evaporates, and the water, which is the basis of the drink, is preserved. To reduce the strength of the beer, it is kept at this temperature until the proportion of alcohol is reduced to the required level.

There is another way – membrane. It is considered more “gentle” for the structure of the product, since it is not required to expose the drink to high temperatures. Instead, dialysis is used.

It is also possible to initially leave the beer in a “low-alcohol” state. For this purpose, special yeasts are used that do not ferment malt sugar into alcohol. This process also involves the use of cooling the beer to a certain temperature, which finally stops fermentation. Note that a drink prepared in this way has a sweetish aftertaste that is far from traditional.

Calorie and chemical composition

The energy value of beer with a reduced alcohol content is its undoubted “strength”. The thing is that it is not just low, but very low. 100 ml of the product contains only 29 kcal, which is more than modest compared to other alcoholic beverages.

The nutrient content is as follows: there are no proteins and fats, and there are 6,1 g of carbohydrates.

As for the vitamin composition, it is much less diverse than in ordinary beer and wine. 100 g of vitamin B1 product contains 0,01 mg, vitamin B2 – 0,05 mg, vitamin PP – 0,8 mg, vitamin A – 2 mg, vitamin C – 0,5 mg.

Of the minerals in non-alcoholic beer, calcium and phosphorus (9 mg and 12 mg, respectively), as well as magnesium (7 mg) and potassium (40 mg) are contained in a small amount.

Useful Properties

The health benefits of non-alcoholic beer have been the subject of debate since the drink’s introduction into the market. The main “trick” of this product, its defenders call the fact that in terms of taste it practically does not differ from its alcoholic “brother”. Therefore, now all beer lovers can enjoy the taste of their favorite drink without getting hoppy. In addition, low-alcohol beer will help people trying to get rid of alcohol addiction, not “break down”.

Also, the non-alcoholic option, unlike the alcoholic one, is very low in calories, and therefore does not contribute to the set of extra pounds.

In addition, the results of recent studies have confirmed that drinking beer with a reduced alcohol content helps to reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Harm to the body

However, all of the above benefits of low-alcohol beer do not mean that this drink is completely harmless. Nutritionists and therapists are very wary of non-alcoholic foam, and for this they have good reason.

First of all, the data of some studies indicate that non-alcoholic beer can have a negative impact on the human hormonal background. In particular, the phytoestrogens present in its composition can reduce the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and provoke the accumulation of the female hormone estrogen in the body of a strong half of humanity.

The consequences can be more than serious – problems with potency, weight gain, pelvic expansion. At the same time, the drink has the opposite effect on the beautiful half of humanity – an increased production of testosterone begins in the female body. The result is obvious – more precisely, on the face: the appearance of a fluff above the upper lip, coarsening of features.

Passion for a “zero” drink negatively affects the activity of the nervous system. In particular, its frequent use is fraught with migraines, a feeling of fatigue, and a decrease in attention.

Many brewing companies add cobalt to non-alcoholic beer as a foam stabilizer. This element is toxic: it negatively affects the work of the heart muscle, provokes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy and breastfeeding

One of the most common questions related to non-alcoholic beer is the following: Can pregnant and lactating mothers drink this drink?

Gynecologists and geneticists are unanimous in their opinion: women in an “interesting position” should refuse to drink “zero” beer. There are more than enough reasons for this.

The composition of the drink, in addition to water, malt and hops, contains a variety of chemicals that are very harmful to both the mother’s body and the fetus. Non-alcoholic beer, like its alcoholic counterpart, has a diuretic effect.

As a result, the kidneys work with overload. Considering that expectant mothers already have to go to the toilet much more often, it becomes clear that it is not necessary to test the strength of the kidneys by “loading” them with beer.

The product is able to stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, promoting gas formation. Excess flatulence is fraught with the threat of miscarriage. Phytoestrogens contained in the product can provoke various kinds of pathologies in the fetus, up to oncological neoplasms.

Some researchers argue that the use of non-alcoholic beer by a future mother is fraught with the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis and allergic reactions in a baby in the first years of life.

Just like that, without snacks, beer, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, is usually not drunk. While drinking this drink, we wake up craving for salty and spicy.

This is where the body also receives a portion of harmful products in the form of:

  • chips;
  • crackers;
  • dried, smoked fish.

All these “sweets” are absolutely not needed for expectant mothers, as they can cause edema.

As for nursing mothers, experts also do not advise them to enjoy “zero” foam. The composition of breast milk immediately responds to any changes in the mother’s diet.

Irritable bowel syndrome, colic, sleep disturbance – these are just some of the consequences that a mother’s love for beer with a low alcohol content is fraught with for a baby. And this is not to mention that the problems can be much more serious. Do you need it?

Top myths about the product

Non-alcoholic beer is one of the most “mythologized” drinks. There are a huge number of statements associated with it that have nothing to do with reality. Let’s consider some of them.

So, the statement that the composition of a soft drink is better than that of an alcoholic one is not true. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough just to study the labels. In the best case, it turns out that both drinks contain the same ingredients. Moreover, in a product with a reduced alcohol content, flavorings and taste regulators will be found in huge quantities.

About why “zero” beer should not be drunk by pregnant women, we have already described in detail above. However, those who are going to drive should not abuse this drink. As practice shows, despite the fact that the breathalyzer does not “detect” the fact of drinking alcohol, there is also a psychological factor.

A person who drinks alcohol-reduced beer still subconsciously knows that they are drinking an alcoholic beverage.

The familiar taste and smell act on the psyche in a very peculiar way – a person begins to feel symptoms similar to mild intoxication. For example, the coherence of speech is disturbed, the pupils dilate, the heart rate becomes higher. Who can guarantee that sitting behind the wheel in such a state, the driver will not become a participant in an accident?

In addition, contrary to the popular stereotype, soft drink can also be addictive. The thing is that even that tiny fraction of alcohol that is present in it has an effect on the level of dopamine in the blood. It is a neurotransmitter that activates the pleasure centers present in the brain.

As a result, a person wants to “repeat the banquet” again and again. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that non-alcoholic beer is usually addicted to teenagers and people who are trying to fight alcohol addiction. Both of these categories of citizens are characterized by a reduced body resistance to alcohol, as a result of which they can seriously “get hooked” on a new source of pleasure.

Thus, it is still not worth considering non-alcoholic beer as a completely safe drink and a harmless alternative to regular alcohol.

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