The program of environmental protection against noise was adopted on Wednesday by the regional council. Silesian. It includes i.a. recommendations to counteract noise on sections of roads and railways outside agglomerations, where the noise intensity standards are exceeded.
The program includes, among others specific technical recommendations and proposals for other noise reduction measures on major routes. The document, which covers the period up to 2013, was developed for the first time in the region. Pursuant to the Act, the Environmental Protection Law will be renewed every five years.
Specialists as the most loaded in the province. Silesian noise indicate in the study mainly the main communication routes, e.g. larger sections of the road No. 1 and S-1 and the A 4 motorway, as well as the road No. 81 (Wiślanka) between Mikołów and Pawłowice, or the roads No. 86 and S-86 between Wojkowice and Katowice.
Other shorter excerpts include bypass in Tarnowskie Góry (DK-11), DK-44 from Ruda Śląska to Tychy, DK-78 in Wodzisław Śląski, DK-94 in Sławków and from Czeladź to Będzin and the railway line No. 001 – between Zawiercie and Łazy.
The international airport in Pyrzowice was not included in the program, as out of 26,2 thousand last year’s air operations did not meet the criterion of the so-called main airport (over 50 air operations per year).
The program uses data from acoustic maps made in 2007 on sections of communication routes where the traffic volume exceeds 6 million cars a year (16,4 thousand a day) or railway lines with a train traffic of over 60 thousand. annually.
Experts admit that reducing the sound level below the permissible levels in the vicinity of the analyzed sections of national roads and railway lines – with the existing traffic volume and location in the immediate vicinity of buildings – will be difficult, and in some cases even unrealistic.
Where noise is the most bothersome, experts suggest, among others construction of acoustically secured ring roads and alternative roads, preventing the emergence of new residential houses in their vicinity, renovation of the surface of the existing routes and covering them with acoustic screens.
The total cost of remedial actions on all road sections covered by the program was estimated at approx. PLN 740 million. Financing of all elements of the program rests mainly with the managers of national roads and railway lines, and may also be supported, inter alia, by from EU funds, environmental protection funds and state budget subsidies.
Consultations prepared for 235 thousand. PLN by the Krakow-based EKKOM company, the programs lasted until mid-March. The document was posted on the website of the province. Silesia, there were also public presentations. (PAP)