Nodules on the vocal cords occur due to overload of the vocal cords. These are benign tissue growths, in most cases found in people of voice professions. At first, small seals appear, over time they harden slightly and become like corns. If the loads do not stop, then the nodules continue to increase.
Nodules are formed as a result of smoking, decreased thyroid function and are observed in women 20-50 years old. Symptoms of nodules of the vocal cords are hoarseness, after resting the voice is sometimes restored, pain is absent. Strong tension causes swelling. The nodules of the vocal cords are arranged symmetrically, forming pairs. This is the characteristic difference between nodules and polyps, cysts or tumor formations.
The color of the nodules at the beginning of development is red and does not differ from the color of the ligaments, later the nodules become dense and white. Vocal cord nodules are diagnosed by laryngoscopy. The prerequisites for the development of such a pathology in children are frequent inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, measles, laryngitis. Improper lymph and blood circulation, trophic disorders also affect the formation of nodules.
Often in advanced stages there is an acute course of inflammation and transformation into a persistent chronic disease. The treatment consists in the recommendations of the doctor – laryngologist how to reduce the load on the vocal cords and return a sonorous voice. Usually, a certain voice mode is needed, a long silence is useful, communication should be limited, talking quietly. The main method of treatment is voice therapy, voice control.
Treatment is not complete without anti-inflammatory drugs, it is possible to use steroid hormones to eliminate swelling. In some cases, surgical removal of nodules on the vocal cords is required. Such a need arises when nodules of large vocal cords appear. When removing nodules, endolaryngeal microsurgery methods are used, endoscopic instruments are used. With their help, the lumen of the larynx is visualized, pathological foci are clearly visible.
What do we have to do?
Removal of vocal cord nodules is also performed by laser surgery and cryosurgery. During the period of therapeutic measures, it is necessary to observe certain conditions to ensure a humid regime in the room where you have to stay the most. After surgery on the vocal cords, recovery can be accelerated if for 10-14 days you try not to talk a lot, quit smoking or refrain from smoking.
Use humidifiers to increase the humidity in the room to reduce throat irritation. Children do not have surgery until they are in their teens. Small seals are often observed in capricious children who cry a lot. They are mainly located in the anterior and middle third of the vocal cords.
Constant tension of the voice and traumatism of the ligaments cause initial symptoms, this is expressed by voice fatigue, hoarseness. Over time, hoarseness becomes more noticeable, in the morning after waking up, these manifestations are less pronounced, in the afternoon more. In pronounced cases, the nodules grow to the size of a pinhead. The presence of nodules prevents complete closure of the vocal cords.
Because of this, the full vibration of the true vocal cords is disturbed and hoarseness of the voice occurs. The main reasons for the appearance of nodules of the vocal folds include the wrong manner of singing, loud screaming, screeching. Vocal fold nodules are found in vocalists, teachers, actors, people of different voice-speech professions. This disease cannot be classified as a serious illness, but you should always remember that a timely visit to a specialist will help to quickly eliminate the problem and prevent the development of a serious pathology. In most cases, with early diagnosis of this disease, the vocal cords are curable. Therefore, to keep your voice always loud and clear, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.