Nodular sweat adenoma – what it looks like, treatment, prognosis

Syn .: Clear cell hidradenoma, acrospiroma eccrinale, nodular cystic sweat adenoma, clear cell myoepithelioma.

Def .: A benign tumor originating from the sweat glands.

Epid .: K: M like 1,7: 1; mean age 37,2 years.

Loc .: Head, face, upper limbs.

Clinical: Single solid or cystic nodule, flesh-colored, red to blue, 1-2 cm in size, although larger tumors have been reported. The changes show a slow steady growth. Pressure may be painful.

Hist .: Within the dermis, there are ductal structures and small cysts, the wall of which is made up of two types of cells: clear cells, eccrine cells with secretory capacity, and smaller basal-like cells.

DI: Cells show staining for 5/6/7 cytokeratin content characteristic of epithelia. Bright cells stain for 10/17/18 cytokeratins.

DR: In histopathological examination it resembles metastases of melanoma and clear cell tumor of the kidney.

Treatment: Surgical removal.

Year: Successful, recurrence possible in case of incomplete excision; the risk of malignancy of 6,7%.

Lit.: [1] Volmar K.E., Cummings T.J., Wang W.H. i wsp.: Clear cell hidradenoma: a mimic of metastatic clear cell tumors. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2005, 129(5); 113-6. [2] Storm C.A., Seykora J.T.: Cutaneous adnexal neoplasms. Am J Clin Pathol 2002, 118(Suppl. 1); 33-49.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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