Nodular fasciitis

Syn.: Pseudosarcomatous fasciitis.

Etiol .: Effect of myofibroblasts response to trauma.

Epid .: Young adults.

Loc .: Forearms, arms and thighs. In children, the changes may include the fascia of the skull.

Clinical: Rapidly growing (weeks) nodules or tumors located subcutaneously.

Hist .: The fibrous sheath surrounds the mucous stroma rich in spindle-shaped tumor cells. Frequent mitosis (rarely atypical). Tumors are well vascularized and bleed frequently. Osteoid in the form of a cranial.

Treatment: Surgical removal of the lesions.

Lit.: [1] Dodd L.G., Martinez S.: Fine-needle aspiration cytology of pseudosarcomatous lesions of soft tissue. Diag Cythopatol 2001, 24; 28-35.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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