Nobel Prize in the field of medicine for developers of mRNA technology?

The creators of mRNA technology are among the most frequently selected candidates for the most prestigious award in science, which is the Nobel Prize. On Monday, the Nobel Committee will announce the winners of this award in the field of physiology and medicine.

  1. The creators of the mRNA technology are Katalin Kariko from BioNTech and prof. Drew Weissman from the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine
  2. Researchers made a breakthrough discovery in 2005, shared their conclusions in the journal Immunity
  3. It was the mRNA technology that enabled the rapid development of a COVID-19 vaccine.
  4. The medical Nobel laureates will be announced on October 4
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Medical experts who select possible Nobel laureates in medicine emphasize that ground-breaking research into mRNA technology has allowed the rapid development of a COVID-19 vaccine that uses this mechanism.

Who are the makers of mRNA?

They are scientists Katalin Kariko from BioNTech and vaccine research prof. Drew Weissman z University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine.

These researchers made a breakthrough discovery in 2005, when the publication “Immunity” published a publication about obtaining a stable mRNA encoding a specific protein, ie containing instructions on the basis of which a cell produces the appropriate protein. The key was to obtain a stable mRNA, which after penetration into the cell is not destroyed. Because only then can it fulfill its mission of starting the production of the necessary protein.

In the case of an mRNA vaccine, this protein is called SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus peak protein inducing an immune response in the body. As a result, it was possible to quickly develop an exceptionally effective preparation. And it greatly contributed to the containment of the pandemic.

  1. Types of COVID-19 Vaccines. How is vector different from mRNA vaccine? [WE EXPLAIN]

The publication of Katalin Kariko and prof. At first, Drew Weissman did not attract much attention, and was not even accepted for publication in other specialist journals. At that time, mRNA technology was not yet appreciated, and attempts were made to use it to develop therapies for the treatment of cancer without much success. Currently, there are many attempts to use it in the treatment of many diseases, mainly cancer.

“This is a completely new type of therapy that will also stay with us after the pandemic” – told PAP Prof. Jacek Jemielity, chemist from the Center of New Technologies at the University of Warsaw. For 20 years he and his team have been conducting research on the therapeutic use of mRNA. He claims to be fascinated by this technology as it has tremendous therapeutic potential.

  1. Biologist: Fears that the mRNA in the vaccine will modify our genome are unfounded

In anticipation of medical Noble, Kariko and Weissman received the Lasker Prize on September 24. It was just awarded for the development of the mRNA technology that was used in the development of the vaccine against COVID-19 disease.

The Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation Award is the most prestigious award in medicine, apart from the Nobel Prize. That is why it is also called the Nobel vestibule, so far almost 80 of its laureates have later won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

The Lasker Prize has been awarded to living researchers since 1946 by a foundation founded by the pioneer of modern advertising Albert Lasker and his wife Mary Goddard Lasker (medical research activist). It is awarded annually at the end of September, just before the announcement of the Nobel laureates. This recognition carries a cash bonus of $ 250.

Nobel Week starts on October 4

The week during which we will know the Nobel laureates starts on Monday

The week starts on Monday, during which we will meet this year’s Nobel laureates, incl. in medicine and physiology, physics and chemistry. The value of the prize in each of the fields is CZK 10 million (EUR 950).

On Monday we will meet the laureates or laureates in the field of physiology or medicine, on Tuesday – in physics, on Wednesday – in chemistry.

As in last year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Nobel committees were forced to work partially remotely. The verdicts will be announced with a limited number of journalists and the public, but they will be broadcast over the internet.

  1. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for turning people into zombies. The story of Egas Moniz, the founder of the lobotomy

“We’d all like to announce the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s too early to do so. The Nobel Prize is a global phenomenon. Each year, winners from various countries are selected. Uncertainty about the direction of the pandemic development and the possible travel restrictions associated with it, mean that in 2021 the winners will receive medals and diplomas in their countries of residence, ”said Vidar Helgesen, director of the Nobel Foundation.

The organizers still hope that the public will be able to participate in the small ceremony on December 10. It is already known that there will be no traditional banquet, but the museum in Stockholm has prepared a special exhibition dedicated to the banquet ceremony. Visitors will be able to see photos and costumes accompanying Nobel Prize winners over the years.

Thanks to new technological solutions, lectures, seminars and concerts accompanying the awards ceremony will be available online. In Stockholm itself, you will be able to admire a special light installation – Nobel Week Lights.

  1. Nobel Prize in Medicine 2020 awarded! What discovery was awarded? [WE EXPLAIN]

According to the Reuters Agency on Friday, some scientists expect the Nobel Prize for the invention of the COVID-19 vaccine, although it is difficult to predict whether it will happen this year. Experts speculate that the mere development of the mRNA technique may be rewarded. If that happened, the prize would be collected by two people: Katalin Kariko, who comes from Hungary, and the American, Drew Weissman.

Prof. Ali Mirazami of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden told Reuters that one reason the Swedish Academy may be holding back the award for mRNA developers is because of the age of scientists. Kariko is 66, and Weissman is 62. According to Mirazami, the Academy likes to appreciate medics at a much later stage in their careers – when they are approaching eighty.

On the website, however, you can find information that in 1923 only 32-year-old Frederick G. Banting was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin (together with JJ Rickard Macleod). And in 1958, Joshua Lederberg was awarded for genetic recombination at the age of 33.

Read also:

  1. Why do mRNA vaccines need to be stored at such low temperatures? [WE EXPLAIN]
  2. Is it true that the mRNA vaccine is clean? Here are 21 important questions about it
  3. He had a chance to win the Nobel Prize four times, although he never received it. Kazimierz Funk – godfather of vitamins and a healthy lifestyle

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