No-Spa Max – indications, dosage, contraindications

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No-Spa Max is a diastolic drug. Its active substance is drotaverine hydrochloride. It helps to control pain and contractions in the abdominal cavity, pelvis, relieves pain in the abdomen, stomach, intestines, urinary tract, and in women also the reproductive tract. It works on contractions of smooth muscles of both muscular and nervous origin. You can take the drug for up to seven days without consulting your doctor. If the pain persists, see a doctor. As for the dose of the drug, if it is used without consulting a doctor, the usual dose is 2-3 tablets a day for adults, and 1-2 times a day for children after XNUMX years of age.

No-Spa Max – application

Non-Spa Max is a drug that is used to treat smooth muscle spasms in the following conditions:

  1. cholelithiasis,
  2. inflammation of the gallbladder,
  3. vesicular inflammation,
  4. inflammation of the bile ducts,
  5. Vater’s nipple inflammation,
  6. kidney stones,
  7. ureterolithiasis,
  8. inflammation of the renal pelvis,
  9. inflammation of the bladder
  10. painful urge to urinate,
  11. renal colic
  12. hepatic colic,
  13. spasmodic states of peripheral vessels,
  14. painful menstruation,
  15. tension headaches.

No-Spa Max – contraindications to use

Any drug, even over-the-counter, can be contraindicated in individual cases. The same is with the drug Non-Spa Max. A contraindication the following factors are involved in taking it:

  1. hypersensitivity to drotaverine or any other ingredient of the drug,
  2. severe liver failure,
  3. severe kidney failure,
  4. heart failure
  5. second and third degree atrioventricular block,
  6. age under 12.

No-Spa Max – side effects

Every drug has a chance to be induced side effects. In case of Non-Spa Max the most common symptoms were:

  1. headaches and dizziness,
  2. insomnia,
  3. decrease in blood pressure
  4. palpitations,
  5. gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and constipation.

In addition, in some rare cases, allergic reactions such as rash, pruritus, hives and angioedema have occurred.

No-Spa Max – comments

Caution should be exercised during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is recommended to contact your doctor if it is suspected or if pregnancy is confirmed. If you are taking other medications, even over-the-counter medications, before taking them No-Spy you should check them out leafletsor not contraindications or whether they can occur negative interactions.

Do not use the drug Non-Spa Max in children under the age of XNUMX, as well as in patients with intolerance to certain sugars, because the drug contains lactose and quinoline yellow, which may cause an allergic reaction after taking the drug.

The drug has no effect on the ability to drive and use machines, however, if you experience dizziness, you should be careful and refrain from activities potentially endangering your health.

No harmful drug interactions were found Non-Spa Max in combination with any food products.

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