No-spa in pregnancy – application, contraindications

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Each pregnancy is an individual matter, sometimes it is necessary to use medications such as painkillers or diastolic drugs, but not every pregnant woman with the same symptoms can use the same measure. A common drug that is recommended is No-spa. Is No-spa in pregnancy harmless? In what situations can I take the drug?

Every woman goes through pregnancy differently. Of course, there are common symptoms for this condition, but they vary in intensity in each case, and in some pregnant women they do not occur at all. Sometimes it is necessary to use medications, especially painkillers, because, for example, a pregnant woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen. The most prescribed drug is No-spa. Is No-spa harmful when pregnant? When can it be used without worries?

No-spa in pregnancy – application

No-spa during pregnancy is used very often. Since it has an analgesic and diastolic effect, gynecologists recommend it when a pregnant woman complains, for example, of a too tense stomach, cramps or abdominal pain. The active substance of the drug is drotaverine, which is a derivative of papaverine, it is perfectly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, is completely metabolized in the liver, and then excreted together with urine and bile. The drug is in the form of oral coated tablets. Of course, No-spa during pregnancy must be properly dosed and its intake constantly monitored by the attending physician. According to the information contained in the drug leaflet, No-spa during pregnancy can be taken 2,3 times a day, but it happens that the gynecologist orders the pregnant woman to increase the dosage in order to reduce severe discomfort during pregnancy.

In most cases, No-spa during pregnancy is considered a relatively safe drug, of course it is available over the counter in pharmacies. However, in any case, No-spa during pregnancy, as well as other medical measures, must be taken after prior consultation with a gynecologist, because those components of the drug that are safe for an adult will not always be safe for the fetus. A no-spa in pregnancy should only be assigned in a higher necessity, when a specialist deems it necessary to take the risk, as the positive effects will outweigh the risks.

No-spa in pregnancy – contraindications

No-spa during pregnancy, as well as other medications taken during this period, may cause greater intensity of side effects, although in the case of this medication, side effects may occur very rarely. However, if they do, it may be headache, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, insomnia, itching, hypertension, palpitations. The most important contraindication to taking the drug during pregnancy is the last months, because No-spa during pregnancy used at the end of pregnancy may not only induce premature labor by too much relaxation of the rectal abdominal muscles, but also an additional risk of disturbed breathing in the child after childbirth, as well as little or no too much muscle tension in the child. Of course, such symptoms may also appear in pregnant women who do not use the drug, so specialists do not strictly associate side effects with taking the drug.

Other contraindications include, of course, an allergy to any component of the drug. If symptoms do not improve after taking the drug, even with increased dosage, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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