The drug has proven itself on the good side and may soon be admitted to hospitals.
On July 20, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the completion of clinical trials of a vaccine against coronavirus infection. Recall that last month, volunteers were selected among the military to test the drug.
Those who agree to take part in the study will receive a prize of about one hundred thousand rubles.
A few days ago, scientists from the Nikolai Gamaleya Center discharged the first group of subjects from the hospital. Today, the remaining 20 volunteers are returning to their usual life.
“The available test results unambiguously show the development of an immune response in all volunteers as a result of vaccination. No side effects, complications or undesirable reactions, complaints about the state of health from the volunteers at the time of discharge were not revealed, “- the official statement of the military department is quoted
Now researchers at the Gamaleya Center will study all the data obtained during the clinical trial.
After this stage, the coronavirus vaccine will be officially registered and put into circulation.
Scientists will need several more months to study the effect of the drug on the child’s body. And although the vaccine did not cause complications in adults, trials are required on children of different ages – as you know, babies are more sensitive to vaccinations.
All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum.
Photo: Getty Images, RF Ministry of Defense / TASS