No secrets: what a mess at home says about you

Even the tidiest person throws things around sometimes. And we all do it differently.

Psychologists say that the mess around us is a sign of inner anxiety. If things are scattered around, then, most likely, many unformed ideas are wandering in your head, and several completed projects are hanging at work. The confusion in your head is reflected in your environment, sometimes creating chaos.

They say that many great minds were dirty: contemporaries of Einstein and Mark Twain say that they lived in real pigsties. But do not be in a hurry to rejoice, the clutter alone does not make you a genius. Most likely, you simply are not able to organize the space around you. By the way, supporters of the feng shui theory are also convinced that the root of the disorder is psychological problems. Moreover, the lack of order is associated with specific phobias and fears.

Type 1. Door junk

In general, you have order. But you have such a feature: when you go home, you leave literally everything that bothers you at the door. And the outerwear remains there, and you take off your watch right there, throw your bag, scarf, keys. In general, the place of disaster. Such a mess speaks of a subconscious fear of interacting with people. You do not like new acquaintances and you are wary of strangers, you are afraid of being overwhelmed. It is also a sign that you are very tired at work and are trying to leave all the day’s worries right at the door. After all, the sofa in the room is calling you, beckoning. He needs you very much, and you too. Run to him.

Type 2. Kitchen dump

A cluttered kitchen speaks of a person’s emotional shakiness. Mental fragility, perhaps, a tendency to depression translate into a mess in the place where food is prepared. Another problem is the feeling of self-doubt. You do not feel support in the family, your common affairs do not seem to be subject to your control. Maybe you take everything too lightly? Try to focus only on the things that you can truly control.

Type 3. Sneaky monsters

The case when everything looks neat and tidy, but as soon as you open the cabinet doors or pull out a drawer, a portal to hell opens. Each drawer contains a bunch of little things that are just garbage for a stranger, but necessary things for you. But in the end, you yourself don’t know what to do with them. Such a mess suggests that you are the person who would happily be put in charge of the department. You look as if you are perfectly able to organize your affairs, you are always well-groomed, you breathe reliability. But, on the other hand, this burden of responsibility, the desire to look perfect all the time, puts too much pressure on you. And it is possible that one fine Friday you will find yourself dancing on a table in a bar at four o’clock in the morning.

Type 4. Trash bunnies

Look under your bed. Or under the sofa. And now – under the rack. If you have old magazines, dust lumps, forgotten hand cream, hair rubber bands and something else like that, it means that you are dependent on someone else’s opinion. Your self-worth is very much tied to what other people think of you. And you also pay a lot of attention to your appearance. Stephen King, by the way, called the dusty lumps trash rabbits. Do you need such pets?

Type 5. Table mess

If the main center of the clutter is on your desk, then this means that you are experiencing latent anxiety, frustration, you have a heightened need to completely control everything that happens. Therefore, the things you need to work, you do not put back into place. But if the mess on the table is ordered and systematized, then it already speaks of your creativity. Even a coffee mug can give you a boost to creativity. Plus, you don’t like wasting time on endlessly opening and closing drawers and doors.

Type 6. Bed or nest?

If your bedspreads are not visible under discarded clothes, magazines, tubes and other things that, in general, do not belong on the bed, if the sheets are crumpled and covered with crumbs from the bed meal, this may mean that you are going through hard times in love. You don’t think of your bed as a place for romance. Perhaps your current relationship is in crisis, or maybe there is no personal life on the horizon at all.

Type 6. Bottomless wardrobe

Everything would be fine, but the wardrobe is full of things to the eyeballs? Moreover, you do not wear most of them, but keep them because that sweater over there reminds of a wonderful vacation, and that skirt over there reminds of an amazing party. It is simply impossible to part with things that are dear to your heart. Feng Shui assures that you are a person prone to nostalgia, you cling to the past. You should let go of the past and move on. Disassemble the closet, thus you will open up space for new things, get an incentive to move into the future.

Type 7. Total chaos

A bag was thrown there, there was no time to disassemble the dried linen, in the kitchen there is a mountain of washed dishes, and unopened magazines lie on the table. If you have mild chaos everywhere, you are most likely trying to suppress anger. You are also a procrastinator. You put off boring and tedious things for later, and then this magic never comes, your hands don’t get to sort out linen, dishes, food. You could just shove your clothes into the closet and shove the little things off the table into a drawer, but you can’t afford that. After all, this means that you will never cope with the clutter. Therefore, you organize the situation, but not completely – so that it is tolerable, but not a terrible mess.

Type 8. There is a mess

The main carrier of the disorder is yourself. You often look sloppy simply because you don’t pay attention to your appearance. You don’t care what people think of you. On the one hand, this indicates a bright personality: everything is fine in your life, everything suits you, and someone else’s opinion does not concern you. You can easily leave the house with a dirty head, and it will not float you at all. But someone else’s opinion is still important in our time. They meet by their clothes. And stains on clothes, greasy hair, unkempt hands will tell others that you are a lazy, unprofessional and cannot be relied on. Even if in fact it is not so.

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