Neurosis is a serious condition that has a psychogenic character and, in the absence of proper attention, prevention and timely assistance, threatens to develop into serious mental problems. There are many neuroses and neurotic manifestations; studies and multi-volume works of famous psychologists are devoted to them. This type of disorder affects not only adults who are burdened with many problems, but also adolescents and even children.
Despite such increased attention to neurosis, its symptoms, methods of prevention and medical care, as well as the consequences, this concept still does not have an unambiguous and clearly formulated interpretation. Here is such a paradox!
Understanding the reasons
What is the cause of neurotic states? In the first place, of course, mental and emotional overload, a tendency to overwork, inability to rest, infectious diseases and bad habits. Obsessive-compulsive disorder stands apart, the cause of which is phobias of all stripes.
Knowing the main symptoms will help to recognize the “enemy” behind ordinary fatigue or a change in mood, including:
- anxiety;
- acute reaction to stressful situations;
- photophobia;
- violation of thermoregulation;
- complexes;
- distorted value system;
- inadequate self-esteem;
- sleep/wake disorder;
- irritability;
- emotional vulnerability.
The body also actively signals us about a neurotic state — the head, stomach, heart area hurt, drowsiness, dizziness, increase or decrease in blood pressure, loss of appetite, sweating. These are all warning signs that you need to pay attention to.
How to help yourself and loved ones with neurosis?
How to help with neurosis, what to do if you or your loved ones have neurosis? To begin with — do not panic — neuroses have long been learned to successfully cope. But the approach to this process requires a comprehensive approach. Of course, it is necessary to strengthen the body with a course of vitamins and minerals, to abandon bad habits. In parallel, the doctor may prescribe a course of sedative drugs and not necessarily strong «chemistry».
Sedatives based on plant extracts, which include natural ingredients such as valerian, hops, motherwort and lemon balm, will help overcome fears and anxieties, cope with irritability and tearfulness. The optimally selected dosage, lack of addiction and impaired concentration, as well as the antispasmodic effect of these drugs help to carefully cope with the neuroses of adults and adolescents, depressive neuroses and other manifestations of this disease. However, even such “harmless” drugs should not be taken without prior medical approval. Be sure to check with your doctor and be sure to let us know if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in sedatives.
Life in pleasure
In addition to medical recommendations that will support you in a difficult situation, you should not neglect your own attitude towards recovery. The emotional background in this case plays an important role and often determines success. Try to set priorities for yourself, not based on external factors such as work responsibilities, family responsibility, public opinion. Think about what can make you truly happy at the moment, what will help you relax and feel the taste of life?
It can be any seemingly insignificant things: a good book, an interesting movie, a country trip or a meeting with old friends. Put things aside and immerse yourself in new sensations. Let not for long, but such a short-term change of scenery and type of activity will force your psyche to “reboot”. Together with general strengthening therapy and relaxation techniques, this will allow you to get rid of the state of neurosis and return the joy of communication and a positive outlook on life.