«No money again»: what’s good about that?

As paradoxical as it sounds, sometimes it is beneficial and useful not to have enough money. Financial problems open your eyes to many things and help you understand yourself. What is hidden behind imaginary or real material difficulties?

1. Not enough money means I can’t pay

It’s not exactly a tautology. If you often had to provide material assistance to loved ones, if it seems that your whole life consists of continuous efforts, then the lack of money becomes a salvation.

The inability to pay for something yourself is a way to get help and support from the family or the state. It is also an opportunity to check how much they value you. For example, a family gathering is planned in another city. You confess that you don’t have money for a ticket. If one of the relatives comes to the rescue, therefore, you are appreciated and your presence is considered necessary.

2. A way to maintain addiction

We usually go through a state of addiction from birth until the age of two. Sometimes trauma suffered at this young age has long-term consequences. For example, you lived with a depressed mother or felt like an unwanted child. As an adult, you choose a life for yourself in which you depend on your spouse, state, and parents. It happens and vice versa — you contain a life partner who is not able to provide for himself.

If you want to get rid of co-dependent relationships, you need to work with a specialist on childhood experiences hidden in the subconscious.

3. Reason to explore ancestral memory

Financial difficulties can be a reason to study and immerse yourself in ancestral memory. It is likely that famine caused by crop failure, lack of medicines, could lead to the death of one of the ancestors. But all that was in the past!

Replay the worst scenarios of today in your mind: “I can’t pay my rent anymore, I’ll be on the street, I won’t have anything to buy food with.” But the fact is that in Europe in 2019 this is completely impossible. After all, there is the organization «Red Cross», «Salvation Army», points of distribution of free food.

Realize that these fears are just the baggage of your kind, they are irrational. When you say to yourself: “I don’t have enough money to treat children,” this is a memory of an epidemic that pops up from the depths of ancestral memory, which mowed down part of the ancestors. On an unconscious level, the experience and living of the same problems of lack, absence, lack can give a sense of belonging to the family.

4. Lack of money or fear of lack

Full and empty, abundance and scarcity. It is the result of the polarity of all phenomena, the law of duality in action. Lack is directly related to life processes. For example, the lungs are empty, you do not have enough air, you naturally inhale and fill them.

In other words, to be afraid of a lack of money is as absurd as to live all the time with lungs full of air or in a country where it does not rain. This fear also comes from childhood. For example, a baby crying at night from hunger was not immediately given a pacifier. But if you are afraid of lack, you form a field of attraction around you. And you will really miss warmth, care, money, food.

Childhood Trauma Behind Imaginary or Real Financial Difficulties

Cellular memory will turn a deficiency into a deadly threat. The feeling of lack is a call to action! You just need to realize it and start doing something.

5. A way to relive unpleasant childhood experiences

In real financial difficulties, you scroll through the same “melody”: “I don’t have money, I don’t have enough to pay off my debts, with my credit history, no bank will issue a loan.”

You think about it, talk about it, and live in a state of stress, holding on to the fear instead of working through it. The roots of this condition are also in childhood memories and traumas. But it is unlikely that you were so afraid of financial problems at a young age. This condition is rather associated with the experience of living with an alcoholic parent or with early childhood abuse, physical or mental suffering. In other words, behind the imaginary fear of lack of money lies the real fear of death, suffering, loneliness and helplessness, familiar and experienced by many babies.

Behind imaginary or real financial difficulties are childhood traumas. The material solution of the problem lying on the surface is not enough to work through them and get rid of them forever. The best way out is to undergo a course of therapy to get rid of unconscious fears from childhood.

Source: forme-sante-ideale.com

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