The decrease in libido in women is related to various reasons. It is caused by hormonal changes, stress and various mental disorders. Both menopausal women and those who are very busy and busy on a daily basis complain about it. Whatever the reason, try the following 13 ways that can effectively increase your sex drive!
- Chill out – stress is a factor that has a huge impact on sexual desire, both in women and men. Sexologists confirm that this is the most common cause of bed problems. During a period of permanent stress, the pituitary gland produces more prolactin, which causes a decrease in libido. In times of stress, there is also an increased production of adrenaline, which reduces blood flow to the genitals. So it’s worth exploring different methods of relaxation, from listening to calming music to yoga. If this does not work, go to a sexologist or reach for one of the pharmacy specifics to improve libido.
- Alcohol only in small amounts – although romantic dinners and meetings are often accompanied by alcohol drinks, remember that although a small amount of it will add spirit and put you in a better mood, too much has the opposite effect. It certainly won’t make you want to have sex. Not only can too much alcohol cause drowsiness, it also slows down the flow of nerve impulses and the control centers are impaired. In addition, in the case of both men and women, alcohol reduces the testosterone responsible for the drive.
- Solve the problems – Successful sex is largely the work of the right emotions. If things aren’t going well in a relationship, it’s no wonder it’s harder to feel sexually attracted. The worst way to deal with conflicts is to avoid talking and sweep problems under the rug, treating intercourse as a way to temporarily resolve them. Remember that after some time the topic will come up again, and negative emotions will come back with double strength and push you away from each other. The key to understanding in a relationship is honest, friendly conversation and talking about your troubles and doubts.
- Drop the fat – even if you are not overweight, poor diet and lack of exercise are the biggest enemies of libido. A much greater desire for sex appears when we have the right amount of exercise and we are full of energy. Thanks to physical activity, the blood circulates faster, we become happier. It’s worth using these emotions in the bedroom! In addition, we are more willing to show a well-groomed body, so we get rid of complexes that are another enemy of successful sex.
- Take care of yourself and fight complexes – the above-mentioned folds on the stomach, sagging breasts or an awkward butt often cause a decrease in self-esteem. Sometimes we even obsessively think about our imperfections, which becomes the reason for the formation of an internal blockade against close-ups. Sex drive also decreases because we are stressed about our shortcomings. The best way out of this situation is to take care of yourself and accept imperfections. Visits to a psychologist or a frank conversation with a loved one can be helpful here. Remember that no one is perfect, and your flaws are not as important to your partner as they are to you. We tend to exaggerate them and have a distorted self-image. Take it into consideration!