No chemicals: 15 odor remedies in the fridge

No chemicals: 15 odor remedies in the fridge

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator and prevent it from reoccurring? For natural odor absorbers, express remedies and commercially available air fresheners, see the review.

If the refrigerator is new …

A refrigerator, like any new household appliance, has its own smell. To prevent it from mixing with the scent of your favorite food, the smell of the new refrigerator must be removed before use.

Use a warm solution of water and baking soda or any kind of detergent to do this. Remember to wash the outside of the refrigerator too. Then wipe all surfaces dry and leave the door open for a couple of hours to ventilate the cooking chambers. After that, you can safely load the refrigerator with food.

Even if you tightly close all jars and containers of food, over time, the symphony of aromas from your refrigerator ceases to delight the sense of smell. Unidentified food items fill it with dubious notes. So, it’s time to wash the refrigerator or at least clean the special drain hole inside the chamber (it tends to get clogged). Manufacturers usually recommend doing this procedure once a year.

Folk remedies will help to get rid of the acquired smell.

1. Vinegar: Wipe the walls of the refrigerator with a cloth dipped in a vinegar solution (dilute 50/50 with water).

2. Baking soda: Wash the refrigerator with a baking soda solution. And then put an open container of soda in it and change it every 3 months. Soda is excellent at absorbing odors.

3. Ammonia: will help in the most severe cases, when the refrigerator is washed, but the smell remains. Rub the inside of the refrigerator with ammonia and leave the door open all day.

4. Charcoal or activated carbon… Grind a handful of charcoal, put in a saucer and leave in the refrigerator for a day.

5. Lemon juice… Wash the inside of the refrigerator, or at least wipe it with a damp cloth and a drop of lemon juice.

To prevent the smell in the future, food absorbents will help. Choose the one you like from the list and let it be registered in your refrigerator.

1. Rye bread: Cut ordinary black bread into slices and place on several plates. Place one on each shelf of the refrigerator.

2. Rice grains: pour on a saucer and place in the refrigerator.

3. Cut onion, apple и potatoes also perfectly absorb odors. Only such natural absorbents will have to be changed every few days.

4. Fragrant herbs and spice: By storing basil, turmeric, cloves, tarragon, cinnamon, celery, thyme in the refrigerator, you thereby prevent the formation of unpleasant odors. Vanilla extract will also help – if necessary, wipe the shelves with a cotton swab soaked in fragrant liquid.

5. Orange, lemon: Orange peels or lemon wedges can be used as an air freshener.

6. Salt, sugar: Just put an open container of salt or sugar in the refrigerator and the unpleasant smell will soon disappear.

Hostess a note

Odor absorbers for refrigerators, as well as ionizer cleaners, have long appeared in stores. They absorb even the strongest odors from fish, garlic, onions, and at the same time ionize the inner space of the refrigerating chamber. Such household gadgets are not so expensive, literally from 300 rubles. So it’s up to you whether to pay money for a lemon-based freshener or just chop the lemon and leave it on the fridge shelf.

By the way

Remember that the refrigerator should not be placed near a radiator or stove. The experts explain that these heat sources will heat the refrigerator and use more energy to cool it. And these are increased electricity bills. In addition, this is an additional load on the motor, which will fail faster. Well, temperature drops, which inevitably occur every time you open the refrigerator door in such a neighborhood, can disrupt the microclimate in the chamber. As a result, food deteriorates faster.

Leader of the “Useful Tips” column

– If you use detergents, pay attention to the composition.

Harmful components: high concentration (more than 5%) of anionic surfactants. They destroy the protective shell of the skin, cause allergies, and disrupt fat metabolism. Phosphates and phosphonates disturb the acid-base balance of skin cells.

What to choose: laundry soap, use gloves.

How to do without chemistry: baking soda, mustard powder, dry coffee grounds. If possible, wash the dishes in hot water immediately after use. You can make yourself a good product that washes greasy pans and glass clean: 100 g of laundry soap, 250 ml of water, ¼ packs of baking soda, mustard powder, ground lemon zest and ground coffee (50 g each), 0,5 tsp … table vinegar, 15 ml of borax in glycerin (half a bottle). Instead of vinegar, you can use 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Sonya Beloruchka, Anna Gerasimenko

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