Hello dear readers of my blog! I am sure that most of you have heard of such an ambiguous and sometimes even frightening psychological technique as neurolinguistic programming. Indeed, the first thing that comes to mind when you get acquainted with NLP is the tambourines of gypsies with bears who rob their victims with the help of hypnosis, or the silhouettes of secret agents of special services. What is NLP, really? And why are we talking about it on the pages of a blog about self-development?
What is NLP, who created it and why
NLP is a direction in psychology and psychotherapy, founded in the sixties of the twentieth century by a group of scientists from the University of California: R. Bandler, J. Grindler, F. Pucelik and Gr. Bateson. This is a kind of symbiosis of the most effective methods of family therapy, Ericksonian conversational hypnosis, transactional analysis and gestalt therapy.
NLP is based on the technology of modeling the verbal and non-verbal behavior of successful people, their interaction with society.
In simpler terms, it is a technology that helps to learn what someone already knows. It can be anything: cross-stitching, Chinese, corporate management, the ability to charm the opposite sex, establish communication with people, and even manage your emotional state.
From the point of view of F. Pucelik, NLP is a set of skills that allow you to do everything you do, even better.
That is, NLP techniques can be useful to everyone who is trying to achieve something, to become brighter, stronger, more productive. The task of the master is to trace the features of the behavior model of a person who has achieved something, overcome something.
So, Richard Bandler, to work with patients who suffered from phobias, found several people who independently defeated the disease, summarized their experience and created the “Quick Treatment of Phobias” technique.
And one of John Grinder’s successful students modeled mastering the skill of walking on hot coals as a test project. The idea gained popularity, and the enterprising student toured with seminars all over the coast.
Many have the misconception that NLP is a technique for manipulating people to «fuck the world». Indeed, any reliable knowledge about the functioning of the human brain makes it possible to influence behavioral responses.
Where can these techniques be used?
The methods and techniques of this amazing system work amazingly effectively. This is sometimes the danger. Knowledge itself is neutral, but the scope of its use can be both positive and negative. Therefore, like many other discoveries, NLP techniques can, unfortunately, be used by «specialists» with a bad conscience to create various totalitarian structures, sects of controlled people.
However, the reality is that we do not live in society in isolation, but exchanging impulses, influencing each other, sometimes quite harshly.
How can a teacher conduct a lesson without manipulating his students in one way or another? And the head of the enterprise can manage the team without influencing it?
Or maybe you managed to put your naughty little son to sleep without having to carry out complex maneuvers and auctions?
I doubt it. Personally, I am quite calm about manipulations. By studying NLP, I learned to track these attempts. If the manipulator tries to harm me, I do not get annoyed, but ignore or just play with him.
Let’s say when your daughter in the supermarket, walking past the shelves with bright toys, suddenly tries to tell how lucky she is with her parents. This is also manipulation and much more subtle than the banal throwing a tantrum. So manipulation and manipulation are different, and there are benefits from them (the daughter will still get a new doll — I think few people can resist).
The simple use of Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques helps to resolve conflicts or prevent them from occurring, that is, to produce high-quality communication.
In addition, NLP is not esotericism, not a collection of knowledge available to the elite, not shamanism, but psychological techniques carefully assembled into a system that really help a modern person in learning, in love and in business.
After all, NLP is a tool like a hammer, knife or drill. You can use them to build a house, or you can injure a person. It all depends on how you apply them.
How NLP can help you become more effective
As mentioned above, NLP focuses primarily on the practical aspect and provides answers to many uncomfortable questions.
- How to build a negotiation strategy?
- Convincingly and reasonably formulate your idea?
A person who practices these techniques changes both the inner world and the system of external interactions. Relations with other people become more transparent and harmonious, thanks to which it is possible to solve a large number of problems that interfere with life.
So NLP helps:
- learn to “read” the interlocutor using non-verbal sources of information;
- get rid of someone else’s influence, stop or transform its direction;
- form and develop the gift of persuasion;
- to reach mutual understanding with other people;
- establish relationships with loved ones, with subordinates, with a random audience;
- learn new skills and improve existing ones;
- increase the efficiency of your actions;
- get rid of bad and acquire good habits;
- transform the worldview and increase self-esteem;
- allocate time efficiently;
- to form or strengthen the feeling of inner joy of pleasure.
Did you know that the use of Neuro Linguistic Programming practices allows you to boost your charisma on your own? We have already talked about “How to become a charismatic person against the backdrop of 90% of people”.
NLP provides many tools for self-development. With its help, you can form the necessary attitudes and achieve success in those areas where you think that you are not strong enough.
The great thing is that learning NLP is interesting and fun, as the results are visible almost immediately.
There are also many techniques for using this method, from complex near-scientific to simple, accessible to a simple layman. If you are interested in this model of self-development, then write in the comments. And I will cover this issue in more detail in future articles.
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Learn something new, friends. Bye Bye