Nitrous oxide – when is it used? Is this anesthesia for everyone?

Nitrous oxide, known mainly as laughing gas in life, is a substance that can most often be found in dentists’ offices or delivery rooms. Nitrous oxide has a great relaxing and analgesic effect, which is crucial both for the dentist and during labor.

Inhalation laughing gas is a well-known method of anesthesia that has been used in Poland for over 20 years. Professionally, this procedure is called inhalation sedation. This method of alleviating ailments during dental procedures or during childbirth came to us from the USA and in Europe is very popular and often used also in Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and Great Britain.

Nitrous oxide – a laughing gas that eliminates trauma

Nitrous oxide is a chemical compound that is a colorless and non-flammable gas. It has a faint odor and a sweet taste. It is an adjuvant, used to anesthetize the patient during painful dental procedures, childbirth or even during the often unpleasant changes of postoperative dressings. This agent is administered to patients with the help of oxygen masks. When inhaled, it reaches the bloodstream and then the brain in less than 15 seconds. So it works almost immediately, relieving pain and relaxing the patient, who can bear unpleasant and very painful experiences much easier.

Cheering gas at the dentist’s

Giving this drug to patients who are morbidly afraid of the dentist is often a miraculous solution for both the patient and the dentist. This measure applies primarily to those who suffer from a specific «dental trauma«, People with severe nervous excitability, suffering from heart disease and hypertension.

Nitrous oxide allows you to carry out even complex dental treatment without great pain and, importantly, without excessive stress that may lead to complications on the dental chair. Usually used gas with a concentration of not more than 50%, and to give laughing gas the patient does not even need an anesthesiologist. In a person who inhales gas it comes from a temporary reduction in the sense of awareness along with the exclusion of the process of remembering this stressful moment. Thanks to this, the patient does not feel stress during a visit to the dentist, he does not feel pain and no trauma is built up in his consciousness.

Laughing gas can be given to young children over 3 years of age. This guarantees that, as adults, they will not be afraid of each subsequent visit to the dentist. Before use podtlenku azotu you must not eat for at least 2 hours, and do not sit behind the wheel of a car for an hour after the procedure.

Nitrous oxide in the delivery room

It is difficult to say why it is used so rarely in Poland laughing gas in time childbirths. It is a measure that is completely safe for both the baby and the mother. It does not interfere with the course of labor in any way. It quickly improves the well-being of a woman, reduces her anxiety and simply relaxes. A woman should take it on her own, knowing that the best analgesic effect is achieved after about 10 breaths, i.e. about a minute. Therefore gas best to inhale when the next contraction is approaching, and then nitrous oxide will be at its peak in pain relief.

Laughing gas can also cause side effects in the form of nausea, dizziness or even tingling in the hands. Disturbances in the form of loss of consciousness are very rare.

Nitrous oxide – anesthesia not for everyone

Unfortunately, not every patient can be given laughing gas. People suffering from multiple sclerosis, porphyria, certain lung and bronchial diseases and those who are mentally ill will not be able to benefit from such anesthesia. What’s more, a contraindication there is also the common cold, runny nose and tonsil overgrowth.

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