Nitrogen fertilizers: types

Nitrogen fertilizers: types

Nitrogen fertilizers are used for feeding almost all garden and fruit crops. The main source of nitrogen for cultivated plants is soil, and its level directly depends on its composition. It is known that most of this necessary element is contained in chernozem and, accordingly, the poorer in organic matter the soil, the less nitrogen it contains.

The main types of nitrogen fertilizers

A sufficient amount of nitrogen content in the soil helps to increase the yield. Its deficiency negatively affects the growth of the plant, it becomes weak, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the quality of the crop is significantly reduced. What are nitrogen fertilizers?

For the application of nitrogen fertilizers over large areas, the technique is used

Fertilizers containing nitrogen are divided into the following types:

  • ammonia fertilizers – nitrogen is present in them in ammonia form;
  • nitrate – nitric acid salts are contained in the nitrate form;
  • amide – contain amide forms of nitrogen.

There are also mixed species in which elements of different groups are present, for example: a derivative of the ammonium and nitrate groups – ammonium nitrate. In addition, fertilizer release forms may differ – granular, crystalline or liquid form.

The following types of fertilizers are used in liquid form in agricultural technology:

  • anhydrous ammonia;
  • ammonia water;
  • ammonia;

Unlike organic fertilizers, nitrogen-containing chemicals are not bait for all kinds of plant pests, which contributes to the safety of the crop.

Nitrogen fertilizers names and general information about them

For greater efficiency, it is necessary to know the rates of fertilization in the soil. If the goal is simple top dressing, then the dosage of the chemical should be no more than 4 g / m². For fruit and berry crops, it is recommended to apply from 9 to 12 g / m².

Consider the main types of agrochemicals used in soil fertilization:

  • Ammonium nitrate – used as plant nutrition on both dry and wet soils. Contains 35% nitrogen and is most effective on chernozem soils.
  • Ammonium sulfate – produced in the form of salt crystals, the content of the active substance is 21%. The chemical has an acidifying effect, therefore, when used on acidic soils, it is recommended to mix with lime or dolomite flour.
  • Urea – belongs to the amide type and ranks second in the amount of active substance – 46%. Contributes to a significant increase in crop yields.
  • Sodium nitrate – used for growing root crops. Contains 16% nitrogen. It is introduced dry when planting vegetables, easily dissolves in water.
  • Calcium cyanamide is a gray powder that does not dissolve in water. It has an alkaline composition, therefore it is recommended to use it on acidic soils.

The use of nitrogen-containing fertilizers is an excellent way to provide garden and horticultural crops with the necessary microelements. The correct approach to solving the issue of plant nutrition is to increase the yield of the site and the most rational use of its area.

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