Nipple ultrasound – when to do the examination? How is the test performed and how to prepare?

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Nipple ultrasound is a test used in cancer diagnostics and breast cancer prevention. It is often complementary to mammography or magnetic resonance imaging. Although the examination of the mammary glands is considered a female examination, it is also performed in men. When is it recommended to have an ultrasound of the nipples and how is the examination performed?

What is a nipple ultrasound?

The term ultrasound of the nipples is synonymous Breast ultrasound. For some, it can be confusing as nipple is the common name for a nipple. In medical terms, however, the nipple is the entire mammary gland, i.e. the entire breast.

Nipple ultrasound is an imaging test that uses ultrasound waves that are harmless to the human body. They are highly effective in detecting changes in glandular tissue, which is why breast ultrasound is recommended for young women. Women in their 40s and 50s usually have a mammogram first. It uses X-rays and is better at dealing with fatty tissue, of which there is more in the breast with age.

During an ultrasound examination of the nipples, the structure of the breasts is assessed and the lymph nodes are also noted.

  1. In cancer diagnostics of women, gynecological ultrasound is also performed.

Nipple ultrasound – indications to perform

An important part of preventive health care, especially in women, is regular breast examination. It is breast cancer that is one of the most common malignant neoplasms in women. It is on the podium of this infamous group with cancer of the lungs, colon, cervix and ovary. A way to detect early changes in the mammary gland there is self-palpation of the breasts performed once a month. In addition, regular imaging examinations are also recommended – mammography and ultrasound of the nipples.

Ultrasound examination of the nipples is non-invasive, so it is worth starting it early, even around the age of 18 or 20, as part of prophylaxis. Initially, it is enough to visit once every two years. After the age of 35, annual ultrasound visits are recommended, and from the age of 40, mammography may prove more effective in terms of diagnostics.

You should also see an ultrasound of the nipples if symptoms such as disturbing soreness of the breasts, discharge from the nipple, lumps or palpable lumps appear.

Who should do an ultrasound of the nipples:

  1. prophylactically women from the age of 20;
  2. women who noticed disturbing gland changes during breast examination;
  3. men at increased risk of developing breast cancer;
  4. men who feel a lump in their breasts or other nipple changes;
  5. People with a family history of breast cancer and therefore a likely genetic burden;
  6. people who have performed genetic tests and have been found to have mutations in genes that increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer (e.g. BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes).
  7. Also read: Genetic tests – breast and ovarian cancer

Male nipple cancer – when on ultrasound?

Neoplastic changes in the breasts do not only affect women. They also happen in men, but are rare. This does not mean that disturbing symptoms or indications for going to preventive examinations can be ignored. If you feel a lump under the nipple, see your doctor. The development of the neoplasm may also be indicated by changes palpable under the skin in other areas of the breast, as well as nipple ulceration, a change in its structure or oozing discharge from it.

Male nipple ultrasound it is also worth doing if they belong to a risk group. This is especially true of breast cancer in the immediate family, in both women and men.

Preparation for ultrasound of the nipples

You do not need to prepare yourself for an ultrasound examination, but there are a few things to keep in mind. It is recommended to perform an ultrasound of the nipples at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, i.e. within 10 days of the end of the bleeding. This is not an absolute indication as, from a practical point of view, the procedure can be performed independently of the phase of the cycle. Ultrasound is also performed in pregnant women.

Due to the fact that the armpits are also examined as part of the nipple ultrasound, it is better not to use strong deodorants on the day of the examination, including products with talc or gel.

Nipple ultrasound – how does the visit to the office go?

When going to a doctor’s appointment with an ultrasound of the nipples, an interview is carried out at the beginning, during which you should tell about your symptoms. In order to perform the test, you need to undress from the waist up and lie on your back. The doctor covers the area with gel and uses the ultrasound head to examine the structure of the nipples and milk ducts. Focal lesions and calcifications may appear in the structure of the mammary glands.

During the examination, you should also put your hands behind your head so that the doctor can also use an ultrasound scanner to examine the armpits. It checks that there are no changes in the lymph nodes. After completing the observation, the specialist informs you whether there are any abnormalities that require further observation or an urgent medical visit. Complete ultrasound of the nipples takes an average of 15 to 20 minutes.

What does nipple ultrasound tell us?

Based on ultrasound examination of the nipples, not only is the presence of a lesion in the breasts detected, but also its type. Fluid, solid and mixed lesions can be identified. Hard nodules are most often cancerous. The image also allows you to determine how the abnormal structure is arranged and what is the course of its boundaries.

The most common benign lesions in the mammary glands are fibroids, fluid-filled cysts or papillomas. They may need to be checked at subsequent visits, and sometimes your doctor will order them removed. In the case of suspicious changes, a biopsy is performed, i.e. a tissue fragment is taken with a special needle. The sample obtained in this way is sent to the laboratory and checked for cancerous nature.

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  1. яасан муу там шиг орчуулга вэ

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