Nipple pain: causes and treatment

Most often, nipple pain worries pregnant and lactating women. This symptom, most likely, is not associated with any pathologies and is easily eliminated. But painful sensations in women who are not carrying a child can be a sign of a large number of diseases.

Nipple pain: causes and treatment
Nipple pain – causes and treatment

Feeling pain in the nipples, a woman must first visit a doctor. However, this type of pain can be very disturbing before and after menstruation, as well as during them, so it is necessary to find out the exact cause of the disease.

The painful sensation can be of the following character:

  • acute;
  • pricking;
  • cutting;
  • pulling;
  • aching.

1. If a woman is taking medications such as antidepressants, hormones, birth control, or fertility drugs, nipple pain may be caused by them. It is these drugs that shatter the normal hormonal balance in the female body. Also, with pain in the nipples, seals, discharge and other pathological accompanying factors may be present.

2. In addition to menstruation, rare sexual intercourse is the cause of nipple pain. In the body of a woman with low sexual activity, a large amount of hormones accumulates, which causes pain, severe nipple itching and discomfort in the chest.

A painful nipple can react to touch, so you should take care of it as much as possible (for example, make sure that the man is careful with your breasts).

3. Another reason for the appearance of pain in the nipples is the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy. A doctor who is familiar with the results of mammography (X-ray of the breast) will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis. Mastopathy is called abnormal growth of connective tissue in the mammary gland. Its characteristic symptom is the appearance of pain in the nipples before menstruation and its disappearance after their onset. Over time, the pain stops disappearing and begins to intensify.

Pain in the nipples during menstruation

The main causes of nipple pain before menstruation are hormonal disorders, in which the female body produces an increased amount of sex hormones. Menses can increase nipple sensitivity and significantly reduce a woman’s quality of life during this period.

If nipple pain occurs in young nulliparous girls after menstruation, you should consult a mammologist as soon as possible.

Premenstrual syndrome provokes the appearance of painful sensations in the nipples, swelling and enlargement of the breasts, as well as pain in the mammary gland. To relieve pain, you can drink a non-steroidal pain reliever prescribed by a gynecologist.

Nipple pain in pregnant and lactating women

The increased sensitivity of the nipples in pregnant women is caused by hormonal changes in the body – the tissues of the mammary gland and the nipple begin to grow rapidly, in contrast to the nerves that do not keep up with them. As a result, the breasts and nipples begin to ache, itching, burning and other discomfort appear, aggravated by wearing underwear that is squeezing or rubbing the skin.

The reason for pain during feeding can be improper attachment of the newborn to the breast, inadequate hygiene, incorrect posture of the mother when feeding, as well as underwear that is not suitable for a nursing woman.

You can reduce the painful sensations of feeding a baby by preparing the nipples for this procedure. You need to wipe them regularly with a coarse cloth during pregnancy. So the nipples will more easily transfer the feeding of the baby.

Also causes nipple pain, waterlogging, dryness, or injured nerves. If a woman does not timely change the lining for leaking milk or underwear, the wet tissue irritates the breast, making the nipple hypersensitive and, as a result, painful. Excessive dryness of the nipples is caused by the use of products containing alcohol when caring for the skin of the breast.

If pain in a nursing woman is concentrated in one nipple, this may be a symptom of mastitis. If you have a fever and discharge from the nipple, you need to see a doctor.

Hyperactive sex life

Oddly enough, frequent sexual intercourse with increased activity can contribute to breast skin irritation. If the damage to the nipples is not strong, the doctor prescribes an ointment with an antiseptic healing effect. Discomfort in the chest during intimacy with a partner can cause a lot of discomfort, so it is advisable to treat irritated skin in time.

Infectious diseases

Infection is one of the most common causes of chest pain. Usually, infection occurs after external damage to the nipples. Especially the likelihood of infection increases during lactation. Often the pain is provoked by fungi and bacteria (for example, the common “thrush”, which is caused by the fungus Candida albicans). The first signs of the development of infectious inflammation:

  • swelling on the nipples;
  • scales;
  • blisters on the skin;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • and others.

Pregnancy and feeding

As mentioned above, the period of pregnancy and lactation is one of the most risky. It is during this period that immunity is weakened, the skin cannot cope with protective functions, and the path for infections is absolutely free. When the mammary glands are preparing for the production of breast milk, at this time a woman may also experience unpleasant pain. After childbirth, damage to the nipples by a baby’s bite becomes a frequent occurrence, especially during the period of active growth of the first teeth. Currently, getting rid of external skin damage is not so difficult. There are many remedies for both external and internal use that are not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The main thing is to correctly determine why the nipples hurt.


Why can rubbing clothing against skin also cause nipple soreness? First, the top layer of the skin becomes irritated and can become a site for fungus or bacteria to enter. Secondly, uncomfortable underwear will cause discomfort. Especially if you wear a smaller bra. When playing sports, preference should be given to special sports bras that will not hinder movement and cause friction. In everyday life, it is also recommended to give the breasts a break from bras.


An allergic reaction can also cause discomfort. If you notice itching and inflammation of the nipples that appeared unexpectedly, do not rush to take the medication. Sometimes this is just an allergy, and it is worth eliminating the allergen from life, as the condition of the nipples will return to normal.

Hormones and neoplasms

There are many diseases that are manifested by soreness of the chest. To determine the exact disease, you need to contact a specialist. The most common pathological disorders are:

  • hormonal failure – if the work of hormones in the body is disrupted, then this can also be manifested by unpleasant symptoms;
  • breast cancer – the first signs of the disease can be noticed immediately: discharge with smell and color, nipples change color, swell or become flat, hurt, retract inside;
  • mastopathy – very common in women after childbirth, manifested by soreness of the mammary glands, not only when touched, but also arbitrarily;
  • cysts – usually the appearance of pain is associated with the growth of cystic formations;
  • lactostasis is the stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands, a woman feels discomfort before and after breastfeeding;
  • and other anomalies.
BREAST PAIN-Can it be BREAST CANCER?| Nipple Pain & Warning Signs-Dr.Sandeep Nayak | Doctors' Circle

Diagnosis by a doctor

A visit to the doctor is required if:

  1. You feel pain in your chest.
  2. Your nipples have changed color dramatically.
  3. Discharge from the nipples appeared (pregnancy and lactation are excluded).
  4. The shape of the breast has changed, the nipples have fallen sharply inward.
  5. There is itching, redness in places.

How to prevent nipple pain

If the cause of painful sensations in the nipples is established as accurately as possible, you can eliminate the pain or alleviate its nature on your own.

1. First of all, you need to get a comfortable bra without seams, which will not create unnecessary pressure on the breasts during menstruation or lactation.

2. Taking proper care of your nipples will help prevent injury while feeding, and will also prevent overdrying or waterlogging. Before the breastfeeding procedure, the breast should be rinsed with warm water, and after it, the milk residues should be allowed to dry naturally.

Never use soap or alcohol-based products to care for your breasts! The skin of the nipples will dry out and become covered with cracks, which can become infected.

3. Feed your baby correctly: Give him the entire areola of the nipple so that the pressure is evenly distributed over him. If wounds and cracks on the nipples do appear, immediately lubricate them with a healing ointment made from natural ingredients and periodically express the excess milk.

Expert Opinion

– There are many causes of nipple pain, some of them are quite simple (for example, an allergy to a laundry detergent and an inappropriate bra), and some are very serious (infection or malignancy). Also, nipple pain can be associated with hormonal changes: at a certain phase of the cycle, during pregnancy or lactation.

Pain can also manifest itself in different ways: from weak and aching to sharp, sometimes combined with itching, scaling or cracking, may be in one nipple or both. Pain and tenderness in the nipples, which appears periodically in the second half of the menstrual cycle and disappears with the onset of menstruation, is not dangerous and most often does not require treatment. This also applies to nipple soreness during pregnancy.

Sometimes the cause of a sharp pain in the nipples becomes infectious process (usually bacterial or fungal). In this case, symptoms such as fever and chills, swelling, redness of the nipples or skin of the mammary gland may join. Breastfeeding increases the risk of infection. In such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

If you notice change in color, shape (flattening, retraction) and size of the nipple, amber or bloody discharge, especially in combination with a lump in the mammary gland, you should consult a specialist in the diagnosis of breast diseases.

After a thorough examination, your doctor will prescribe you survey, which may include mammography, MRI or ultrasound of the mammary glands, as well as, if suspicious lesions are detected, a biopsy.


  1. ሲያቃጥልኝ የሚያቃጥለውን ጡቴ ስሰጣት ፋታ ይሰጠኛል ምንድነው ችግሩ

  2. ሳጠባ ነጡቴን ጫፍ በጣም ያቃጥለኛል ካስለቀቅኩ በኋላም እመሙ አይቸወኝም ምን ላርግበት

  3. ጡቴ ጫፉ አካባቢ ዙሪያውን ቁስለት አለው እናም ይጠዘጥዛል፣ ያማል፣ ያሳክካል ምንድነው ችግሩ??

  4. ጡቴ ጫፉ አካባቢ ዙሪያውን ቁስለት አለው እናም ይጠዘጥዛል፣ ያማል፣ ያሳክካል ምንድነው ችግሩ??

  5. የኔ ደግሞ ጡቴ ወተት ሲይዝ ማቃጠል ይጀምራል ስትጠባም የቃጥላል ሳስለቅቃት ወዲያውኑ ይተወኛል ከእርግዝና ጋር ይገናኝ ይሆን? ?

  6. Raxmat maslahat uchun menga juda katta yordami tegdi

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