Nine ways to deal with cystitis

Pain in the lower abdomen, pressure on the bladder, burning and prickling when urinating are typical symptoms of cystitis. Unfortunately, the condition that worsens the quality of life has a tendency to recur. Check how to treat a sick bladder.

Cystitis – drugs

The main cause of cystitis is Escherichia coli bacteria, which are responsible for over 80% of the disease. infections. The most effective weapon against Escherichia coli are chemotherapeutic agents such as furagin. The drug is available without a prescription. If symptoms persist despite treatment, be sure to see your doctor. Infection of the lower urinary tract can easily invade further parts of the urinary tract and lead to pyelonephritis, usually accompanied by fever, increased ESR and CRP, bacteriuria, and pyuria. There may also be vomiting and diarrhea. Chronic multiform nephritis threatens with urosepsis, which is dangerous to our life and health.

Cranberry for a sick bladder?

In the fight against a sick bladder, you can also use several home remedies. One of them is cranberry, containing proanthocyanidins, belonging to the group of flavonoids. These are compounds with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Proanthocyanidins not only inhibit the multiplication of bacteria, but also make it difficult for them to adhere to the epithelium of the urinary tract. In addition, they lower the pH of the urine, which makes the environment less favorable to the development of pathogenic bacteria. Cranberries are also a vitamin C bomb, which strengthens our body’s immunity. If you are prone to urinary tract infections, drink a glass of cranberry juice a day as a preventive measure. You can also reach for cranberry teas or extracts of these fruits available at the pharmacy in the form of powders dissolved in water or capsules.

At Medonet Market you can buy 100% Natjun cranberry juice at a promotional price.

When the bladder fails. How Can I Deal With Urinary Incontinence?

Coconut and flax

During cystitis, it is worth including two oils in your diet – coconut and linseed. The first one, loved by the supporters of the ketodiet, has a high content of lauric acid with a strong antibacterial effect. The second one, called “Polish superfood”, has a protective and protective effect on the entire urinary system, which in turn shortens the duration of the infection.

Baking soda

Who among us doesn’t have baking soda at home? It is indispensable when baking cookies, perfectly cleans joints, and neutralizes unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. Sodium bicarbonate has another use. Mixed with lemon juice, it will effectively relieve pain and burning sensation in urinary tract infections. All you need to do is drink a glass of water with two teaspoons of baking soda and juice squeezed from half a lemon. Although the taste of the mixture can hardly be called ambrosia, it is a very effective home remedy.

Nasiadówki will help with cystitis

Cystitis will be relieved by using sitz baths, i.e. sitting in warm water with the addition of appropriate herbs. We recommend you a soothing chamomile or warming and disinfecting pine needles. The recipe is simple enough that you add two cups of herbal infusion to the bathtub with water at a temperature of about 36 ° C. It is best to prepare such soups twice a day for 15 minutes.

Herbs to drink

Herbs will also help you “cleanse the inside”. To do this, reach for the field horsetail – the vitamin C contained in it acidifies the urine, and silica, combined with potassium and flavonoids, has a diuretic effect – it flushes out toxins and harmful microorganisms. Papillary birch has a similar effect, which additionally disinfects and detoxifies the circulatory system. In turn, goldenrod has an astringent effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive system and protects the capillaries. You can supplement the already cooled infusion with honey and lemon. Vegetable decoction of celery and parsley also has diuretic properties.

If you are prone to diseases of the urinary system, you can use herbal infusions and decoctions as a prophylaxis. We recommend:

  1. For the bladder and urinary tract – herbal and fruit tea available at Medonet Market at an attractive price,
  2. Wild strawberry leaves, which you will brew in the form of tea. They have a bactericidal, diuretic and antioxidant effect;
  3. Bladder – a mixture of herbs with cranberries, horsetail and small-leaved linden;
  4. For cystitis – a herbal mixture with birch, monkshood, bearberry, horsetail, lovage, lingonberry.

Go for hygiene

And we do not only care about intimate hygiene, i.e. washing ourselves twice a day and using good-quality intimate hygiene fluid instead of soap. It is also necessary to change underwear, bed linen and towels: yours and your partner’s. Remember that bladder infections and intimate infections often go hand in hand, and the source of infection may be “ON”, even if he does not get sick himself. Paradoxically, infections may be favored by excess hygiene, i.e. the use of hygiene measures to combat the natural bacterial flora. Therefore, check the bathroom cabinet.

Cystitis – harmless but troublesome

Don’t forget the hot water bottle

This is one of the most enjoyable ‘sick bladder’ treatments. Put on warm pajamas and step under the covers. A simple hot water bottle or other form of warm compress will bring relief from a bladder infection. “The power of heat” is a method known to our grandmothers to relieve pain. Spend at least a few hours in bed.

Drink plenty of fluids

One of the causes of urinary tract infections is that you urinate too little. Therefore, drink a lot of water (1,5 to 2 liters a day), but not necessarily mineral water. The best tap water will be filtered in a special jug with a filter cartridge, which will effectively reduce the impurities in it. Drinking well-purified water will increase the amount of urine and help remove pathogenic bacteria that are causing the infection.

Read also:

  1. Good for the heart and bladder. Eating too often can end up badly
  2. The symptoms of this cancer are hard to miss
  3. This is one of the greatest medical myths. Why do we want to pee in the cold?

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