Nine mistakes that keep you from losing weight

Do you constantly follow new diets, spend hours in the gym and you think that you are as motivated as Ewa Chodakowska and your weight will not budge? Perhaps you are making one of these mistakes.

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1/ 9 You eat too large portions

You can eat healthy and nutritious foods, but if you consume them in excess, you won’t lose weight. Fashionable millet with a huge amount of nuts or raisins can also make you fatten. The menu prepared by a dietitian should contain information not only about what you eat, but also how much. This does not mean that you have to weigh your meals each time (although at the beginning of the diet you may decide to take such a step as well). A safe amount is as much as fits in a small bowl. Nutritionists also suggest eating small plates – the same serving gives the impression of abundance, while on a large plate it looks like a modest tasting dish.

2/ 9 You reach for light products

While the first crush on “lean” products is over, we are still vulnerable to “zero fat” marketing. In fact, the term light most often refers to reduced fat content. But not sugar anymore. Light yogurt usually contains more than its fatter counterpart, because it still has to be enjoyed by consumers.

3/ 9 You reach for food your grandmother didn’t know

Of course, there is nothing wrong with experimenting or learning about the cuisines of other countries. Rather, it is food that has been processed and processed, both in terms of technology and marketing. Breakfast cereals with artificially added vitamins are a more fattening choice than a handful of traditional oatmeal.

4/ 9 You decide to go on diets, but not to change your habits

Subsequent diets may even provide a significant weight loss, but after them we return to the previous figure quite quickly. You have to accept that in order to lose weight for good, we also have to change our eating habits permanently. A restrictive diet can convince us to taste some products (e.g. groats or vegetables) or show that weight loss is possible and depends on us. But if you spend three weeks eating steamed vegetables and then reward yourself with a chocolate cake, you won’t wow anyone with a wasp waist. Choose lifetime diets, not four weeks.

5/ 9 You’ve lost the pleasure of eating

The French, a nation famous for their love of butter, wine and “debauched” desserts, belong to one of the leaner nations in Europe. Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food, suggests there are two reasons for this. The first is the aforementioned serving size. The second fact is that eating there is still a social experience that provides both palatable and emotional pleasure. Celebrating food, mindfulness during meals is conducive to maintaining a healthy weight.

6/ 9 You eat irregularly

You do not need to eat five times a day, you can eat three – it is important that the brain receives the information that the body will receive a meal at about the same time. Irregular food supply or excessive starvation is a signal to slow down metabolism and build up “stores” mainly in the form of fat storage.

7/ 9 You’re stressed out

Cortisol, the stress hormone, is responsible not only for mobilizing to fight a real or imaginary threat, but also for the formation of the most difficult to remove abdominal obesity. Extra pounds on the stomach along with the so-called the buffalo neck gives the impression of a heavy figure, devoid of slenderness.

8/ 9 You have undiagnosed illnesses

The inability to lose weight can be caused by many diseases, usually of hormonal background. These include, among others, polycystic ovary syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, thyroid disorders, insulin resistance, and diabetes. Another difficulty in losing weight is the menopause, due to the slower process of metabolism.

9/ 9 You are losing weight, but you don’t realize it

The effectiveness of a diet is measured not only by the kilograms lost. Weight can remain constant for up to several weeks. It depends on the amount of water, hormone levels, and your body may also lose fat cells and build up muscle (heavier than fat). If you have doubts whether the diet is working, you do not need to step on the weight – assess your figure in the mirror and check if the clothes have become too loose.

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