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The body’s natural immunity protects us from disease. The immune system, if it is functional, can detect and destroy even cancer cells. To find out how your immune system works, take a pack of six immunity blood tests at an attractive price on Medonet Market.
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1/9 Allergies
Immunity and the occurrence of allergies are related. Allergies are related to the malfunctioning of the immune system, and they also weaken it further. From the biological side, the formation of an allergic response in the body is caused by the release of antibodies to allergens that are neutral for a healthy organism, which bind to antigens, causing the secretion of the so-called inflammation mediators. This disrupts the functioning of the immune system, which produces antibodies to an unrecognized threat. Allergies can be mild, such as lacrimation and runny nose, while acute allergic reactions to certain foods, for example, can lead to death.
2/9 Mononucleosis
Mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is carried by 80 percent. people over 40 years of age. However, a properly functioning immune system is able to control its development, and therefore it does not cause any negative symptoms. Only when immunity decreases, mononucleosis can attack B lymphocytes, which is one of the most important systems of coping with pathogens. Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for mononucleosis. After suffering from the disease, it tends to relapse and to general and permanent weakening of the body.
3/9 AIDS
AIDS is one of the most dangerous diseases that attacks the immune system, especially CD4 lymphocytes. The mere development of this English abbreviation means “acquired immunodeficiency syndrome”. AIDS is not the immediate cause of death, but it is responsible for the damage to the protective barrier of the body, which is now susceptible to all kinds of infections, which it cannot fight due to low immunity. Mycoses, neoplasms and pneumonia are particularly common among diseases resulting from AIDS – in most cases these factors lead to the patient’s death.
4/ 9 Diabetes
Diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2, in addition to increased blood glucose levels, is also characterized by a number of factors that negatively affect immunity. During the disease, the proper carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed, lipid disorders arise and body weight changes. Autoimmune diabetes type 1 is particularly dangerous in this respect. In her case, insulin deficiency is caused by the self-destruction of pancreatic beta cells. Autoimmune diabetes contributes to the simultaneous susceptibility to other diseases of this type, such as Graves’, Addison’s disease or Hashimoto’s. Leukocyte dysfunction associated with defective glucose metabolism also affects the immunodeficiency in diabetic patients. Insulin deficiency contributes to the impairment of glycolysis, which normally supplies energy for the normal course of phagocytosis. This process is responsible for the early neutralization of protozoa, viruses, fungi and bacteria penetrating the diabetic’s body.
5/ 9 Bulimia, anorexia
Anorexia nervosa, known as anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa, known as bulimia nervosa, contribute to lowering the body’s immunity. Compulsive eating followed by a period of provoking vomiting, fasting, enemas or strenuous physical exercise primarily translates into poor hormonal balance in the body and the washing out of vitamins and nutrients. In a state of general weakness, the body is unable to maintain immunity, devoting energy primarily to regeneration and maintenance of the most important life functions. Avitaminosis caused by nutritional deficiencies may also translate into arterial hypotension, weakening of the heart, liver and digestive system.
6/ 9 Down’s syndrome
Down syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21. It is characterized not only by reduced intellectual performance, but also genetically determined by primary immunodeficiency. Due to this ailment, patients often develop bacterial respiratory infections. People with Down’s syndrome also suffer from autoimmune ailments such as celiac disease and leukemia. Similarly, immunodeficiency associated with congenital disorders is seen in Turner, Hutchinson-Gilford, Dubowitz anemia, and Bloom’s syndrome.
7/ 9 Guillain-Barré syndrome
It is a serious autoimmune disease and is characterized by damage to the nerves as a result of a malfunctioning immune system. It is characterized by limb paresis, paralysis of the facial muscles, fluctuations in blood pressure and intense root pain. The affected person is prone to infections, mainly infectious mononucleosis and cytomegaly. Due to serious complications, a person suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome cannot receive the flu vaccine, which additionally makes him more sensitive to external infections.
8/ 9 Graves’ disease
It is one of the autoimmune diseases characterized by a pronounced hyperthyroidism. Its cause is most likely a defective reaction of the TSH receptor, which, despite the lack of danger, stimulated by anti-TSH antibodies, contributes to the excessive secretion of the hormone, hyperplasia and too intense vascularization of the thyroid gland. Since the disease is 10 times more common in women, scientists suspect that estrogens may also be involved in the process of its incubation and development. Its health consequences are also adrenal insufficiency, vitiligo, type I diabetes, arthritis and the characteristic exophthalmos.
9/ 9 Leukemia
Patients with leukemia – a blood cancer that manifests itself, inter alia, in mutations in white blood cells (leukocytes), which make them impaired to defend the body against and fight infection. It often happens that it is only after a chronic, antibiotic-resistant infection that the doctor begins to suspect leukemia and begins to diagnose the patient in this direction. In the treatment of leukemia, where bone marrow cells are deliberately killed prior to transplantation, patients are particularly susceptible to any bacterial or viral infections that can lead to severe pneumonia, inflammation of the bowel and even sepsis. And even such trivial problems as a cold, if left untreated, can lead to death. Therefore, while preparing for bone marrow transplantation, patients with leukemia must take prophylactic antibiotics and antifungal medications.