Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol: short biography, facts, video

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol: short biography, facts, video

😉 Greetings, dear readers! Thank you for choosing the article “Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol: A Brief Biography” on this site! Here, briefly about the main stages in the life of the classic of Russian literature.

Biography of Gogol: briefly

The future writer was born on April 1, 1809 (zodiac – Pisces) in Sorochintsy, Poltava province, in the noble family of Vasily Afanasyevich Gogol-Yanovsky and his wife Maria Ivanovna Kosyarovskaya. Masha was married at the age of 14, the groom was 28. Maria gave birth to a dozen children, but not all babies survived.

The boy’s whole life was spent in the rural environment of the Little Russian life. Later, these impressions were used as the basis for his stories. Even from St. Petersburg, in his letters, he asked his mother to write him some details on the history or ethnography of the region.

At the age of 10, he entered the Poltava gymnasium, and then he was transferred to Nizhyn, where he studied for seven years. The teenager could not be called a diligent student, but his excellent memory allowed him to prepare for the exam in a couple of days.

Foreign languages ​​were difficult for him, but teachers always praised him for his drawing and success in Russian literature.

In the gymnasium, history had to be crammed, and texts from the XNUMXth century were offered on literature.

The teacher of literature did not like the works of Pushkin and Zhukovsky, although the gymnasium students were interested in romance. Often teachers used the rods, and Nikolai did not escape them.

Many high school students were engaged in self-education. They threw off little by little and bought magazines; released their own, where Gogol wrote elegies. But in secret from friends, he already wrote a tragedy and several stories.

In 1825 his father died, which was a heavy blow for the young man. At the age of 16, Nikolai dreams of social activities, but does not yet associate it with literature.

Beginning of creativity

In 1829, in St. Petersburg, he went to work as an assistant clerk with the rank of collegiate registrar and served for a year and a half. I didn’t like the work of an official, but the experience was later useful for writing stories.

He spends a lot of time in the company of his fellow countrymen. But later he notices that the history and traditions of Little Russia are of interest to the metropolitan society and he has plans for “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”.

During his school years, Gogol wrote “Gantz Kuchelgarten”. Critics literally pounced on the author. As a result, he bought and burned the entire print run.

In 1830, the fateful acquaintance of the novice writer with Zhukovsky, Pletnev, and then with Pushkin took place. Alexander Sergeevich not only received him amicably, but also presented several subjects, for example, “The Inspector General”. Subsequently, Pushkin enthusiastically spoke about “Evenings on the farm …”.

In 1834, Gogol received the post of adjunct in the department of history at the capital’s university. A highly educated society gave a lot to the young writer, and each subsequent work seems to rise to a new level of skill. At the same time, the writer met and became friends with the maid of honor Alexandra Rossetti (Smirnova).

Life in Europe

In the summer of 1836 Nikolai Vasilievich left Russia for almost 10 years and traveled to European countries. In Paris, he meets A.O. Smirnova and learns about the tragic death of Pushkin.

In 1837 he moved to Rome, where he liked the picturesque nature, architecture and a huge collection of works of art. It was easy for him to work here and created many wonderful stories and novels.

Since 1841 – again travels across Europe. He lives with friends – Zhukovsky, Smirnova, Tolstoy, but he is increasingly overcome by religious and prophetic thoughts.

Gogol had poor health from an early age. In 1845 he went through a mental crisis, wrote a will, burned the manuscript of the second volume of “Dead Souls”, and then decided to take a monk’s hair.

In 1847, the writer moved to Naples, and a few months later set sail for Jerusalem. He was expecting a miracle, standing at the Holy Sepulcher, but he did not feel anything like that, which made him upset to the depths of his soul and went to his mother.

Fear of death

At the beginning of 1852, the writer is seized by the fear of death, sometimes he prays all night, he hears voices that insist that his death is near. On February 11, he completely refuses food, observing the fast. After 9 days, the doctors decided on forced feeding and treatment. Gogol was exhausted and lost consciousness by evening.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol: short biography, facts, video

House on Nikitsky Boulevard in Moscow, where Gogol lived in recent years. The second volume of Dead Souls was burned here. ” Here the writer died.

Nikolai Vasilyevich departed into the world on another morning on February 21, 1852. He was incomplete 43 years old. He died in poverty. The genius writer had no corner of his own and was lonely.


Additional information on the topic “Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol: a short biography” in this video.

N.V. Gogol biography briefly

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